Thursday, July 1, 2010

Strawberry Pretzel Dessert! Yum!!

Here is something sooooooooo good that I have to share it with you because I thought maybe someone might want to make this for their 4th of July picnic!  I make this every couple of weeks because not only do I love it but Joe gets a craving for it!!  Some of you may have heard of it before or even had it before!  Here is the recipe and PLEASE let me know if you make it and how you liked it!


Strawberry Pretzel Dessert

 photo orange_zps71928f34.jpg

2 cups crushed pretzels (I use ¾ bag Roll Gold Pretzels Thins- 1 lb bag) (I put them in a ziploc and crush them with a mug)
3/4 cup  melted butter
½ cup sugar

Mix together and spread into bottom of 13 x 9 pan (preferably glass) (spray with Pam)

Bake crust for 10 minutes at 350 degrees

Put aside to cool

Middle layer:

8 oz cream cheese (softened)
1 cup sugar
16 oz. cool whip (thawed in refrigerator)

Blend together and spread over COOLED pretzel crust.  Be sure to spread the whole way around leaving no crust to be seen (this is so the crust doesn't get soggy)

Refrigerate crust and cool whip while you make the top layer.

Top layer:

Large box of Stawberry Gelatin
1 cup boiling water
1 cup cold water

1 1/2 pint of FRESH strawberry (if you have a slicer, use that and  slice them thin)

Add the 1 cup of boiling water to the strawberry gelatin in a medium mixing bowl.
Add the 1 cup of cold water after the boiling water.
Add the sliced strawberries.

Put the bowl with the gelatin and strawberries in the refrigerator  until  the gelatin starts to gel.  You have to keep checking on it.  It usually takes about an hour.

Pour the strawberry gelatin over the pretzel crust and refrigerator until ready to enjoy!!


  1. OOH! This looks delicious! Love the pretzel crust, great idea!

  2. This looks divine! It is perfect for the 4th of July--thanks!

  3. Mmmmm ....that looks yummy! Can't wait to try!

  4. The pretzels in the crust make this a little different - it sounds really good.

  5. Woo Hoo another over 40 blogger!! I knew you were out there!!!

    Found you from the hop and am following now!
    Looking forward,
    Everyday Mommy

  6. OMG! I make this, but with pineapple. Was thinking about sharing it soon too. Stop by my tasty tuesdays and link this up to my bloghop next week. I'd love it.

  7. I'm glad you decided not to change your blog!

    And holy crap that looks yummy. We just got invited to yet another 4th of July party, so I need to bring food to 3 different places....and I think I know what I'm making now. Although I think I will make 4 batches, so we can keep one at home!

  8. OMG, that looks delicious. Yummy.

    I am now following you from KCT on GFC as Thrifty Canucks. Please come on over and follow too if you can.

  9. Your welcome. That dessert looks wonderful. My address is.....

  10. Ahhh I had this dish just last week. So yummy!

  11. Oh my gosh! I've had this before but didn't have a clue (my culinary skills are limited) on how to make it. See me jumping up and down!? I'm so excited. I'm definitely going to make this for the weekend. And I might even share it with someone.
    Thanks for being YOU, Java. And for visiting me at Weezers Haven. You're always welcome.

  12. Thanks for the encouraging comment you left me. It's funny how one person and their negativity can cause a LOT of mental head scratching.

    That dessert looks sinful. I am definitely NOT writing that down. I am just going to enjoy looking at it!!!

  13. this is one of my fav strawberry jello salads:-) please consider linking it up on my recipe hop at my blog.

  14. I haven't had this salad/dessert in years! I love this recipe, What a festive salad to make this weekend! Oh and I read your posting yesterday. Some people should just keep their mouth shut. I had a gal who told me my dog was fat..what's with this rude people...blogging and sharing and being positive is what makes this so much fun and definitely addictive! I hope you have a great holiday and I look forward to reading what you're up too..

  15. yea thanks for linking up and for the follow. i actually already follow you:-) have a great night.

  16. Ohh, that looks so yummy, kind of like a pretzel cheese cake. Yum.
    You are doing an awesome job, hun.
    Don't change a thing.
    I look forward in co-hosting with you.
    Take Care.

  17. Your blog is GREAT and are you really that Beautiful ,,,WOW,,,God has truly Blessed you Sweetie.. TYhansk for the follow, sorry I didn't leave a comment sooner. I love to leave notes to help bring a smile to the blog owner, well, hopefully it will. I want to do the over 40 blog thing but we are going away for the day tomorrow and I wouldn't be able to leave many comments for others. So next Friday,,,I hope.
    Sorry for the note that turned into a short novel here . Comments always bring smile to me too.
    Blessings and Hugs Dena

  18. BTW this desert is looking YUMMY...My Hubb's would love it and so would our teenage boys!!!

  19. Java Sweetie! You have a lovely blog, my dear and you don't need to listen to anyone else's garbage thinking about the appearance, nor the content of your OWN BLOG!!!! I've had to work on my blog since beginning it nearly 2 years ago, but I certainly don't care what other's NEGATIVE thoughts are. It is gorgeous and you do what you want with it, otherwise you will become like other blogs that are into this just for the number of followers and superficial comments to inflate egos . . . and I don't think you are like that at all from what I've read. Keep up the great blog my bloggin' friend!!!! Love and kisses, Roz (aka Bella) PS I love this recipe, only I have always made it with raspberries (since 1989!)

  20. I love this dessert. I even made it with fat free cool whip, sugar free jell-o, and splenda. I liked it.

    I agree with the "changing your blog" email and comments. Not's YOUR place. No one else's.

  21. Ok, well now that I'm hungry...
    I wanted to thank you for coming over to my blog and letting me know that my stupid indoor kids are in fact a product of today's society, not my bad parenting! ~laughing at myself~
    PS: I'm not surprised to read that you are a model...beautiful you are!

  22. thanks for adding this to my recipe hop...i am making it for a picnic tomorrow:-)

  23. Love the look of that dessert!
    You are stunning by the way.. .I just checked out your 'about me' page.

  24. My mom and I love this stuff! They serve it at a lot of bistros and catering services down here. It's always an excellent treat!

    Thanks for linking up with me for Friday Favorites!

  25. I came back to let you know that I'll be featuring you in tonight's post. Come by and grab my "featured" button if you'd like one.

  26. Hi, darlin', I'm bj and came over from Gollum's. This dessert sounds soooo good. I love anything with strawberries and I've not heard of this one. Will be making it for my family soon.
    Oh, and I'm your newest follower.:)

    xo that did grow old but still lovin' life...and being blessed more and more every single day..:))

  27. oops, your follow me thingy isn't up this morning. I'll come back.

  28. Thanks so much for sharing these for tasty tuesdays! Hope you'll come back again!

  29. Oh wow this looks great! as does your blog, btw! I am your newest follower from Meet You Monday, so glad to have a new blog friend :)

  30. This is lovely! The strawberries looked so delicious and lovely! I am so excited to make it myself.
    dining tables


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!