Saturday, July 17, 2010

Debi Scissorhands

Yesterday was a day full of wedding stuff!  Venti and Mocha are home for the weekend and made plans to check a lot of things off the list of many things that needed done for the wedding.

At 10am I had an appointment with a seamstress to see if she could turn my dress into what I wanted it to look like.  I had posted an add on craigslist with pictures of the dress and a description of what I wanted done to it.   If you missed that post, you can read it HERE.   I had never met this lady and so when I got there I pulled up in front of her dilapidated apartment building and climbed the steps to her 3rd floor apartment.  The door opened and there stood this petite little woman who graciously welcomed me into her home and shakes my hand and introduces herself as "Debi."  She ushered me across the hallway and into a spare room that had a naked mannequin, an antique chair that was half upholster and a floor length mirror.  She shut all the blinds and said, "see you in a couple of minutes" I put the dress on and stood there a couple of minutes gazing around at the bare room.  As quickly as she disappeared she reappeared back into the room. "Oh you look beautiful", she said....."thank you".

She knew what I wanted done to the dress and so she starts at the cleavage where I said that I thought it was too low and she said, " don't want to look like a houche momma!"   She said, "I have an idea"....she then takes her scissors, goes to the back of the dress and starts cutting a piece of fabric!
She then disappears into another room and I'm left standing there with a hole cut out of my dress!  She returned in like 10 seconds with the piece of fabric and had it sewn into an accordion, grabbed 2 pins and transformed the cleavage into looking like the dress was made that way!  "Amazing" I said! 

Next she whips me around so that I'm turned sideways at the mirror.  She said, "you don't want the ruffles right?"......"ummm no I said", so she grabbed her scissors that I swear turned into an even bigger pair of scissors and starts cutting the ruffles off like she was cutting her hedges outside!  Yikes I thought!  What is she doing to my dress!!
While watching her in the mirror all I could think of was Edward Scissorhands and it was at that moment that I think my armpits started to sweat and not because I was on the 3rd floor and it was 90 degress outside!  Here I was with this $400 dress, standing in a bare room in a 3rd floor apartment of someone that I don't even know and she has these gigantic pair of scissors cutting away at my dress!!

She then lifts up the back of the dress where it had some tulle to make the dress puff out more....she said, "you don't want this do you?"...."ummm no I said", but with even more hesitation.  She grabs the tulle in the middle and yank!....out it goes!   She turns me this way...and that way....and cuts and pins and when I turn one way I see a pile of my lovely fabric on the dirt stained carpet and when I turn another way I look at the tulle dancing on the floor in the path of the fan.  "Am I going to faint?".....take a deep breath....

Maybe 10 minutes later she says "'s that?"  I turn to look in the mirror and the dress was amazingly transformed already!  Wow I said.....she chuckled and said, "I love my job"....she said it needs re-sewn in the back and the ruffles cleaned up.  I twirled around and really couldn't believe what Debi Scissorhands had done to the dress in that short amount of time.  She said you can get changed now and disappeared into another room.  She popped back in and we made an appointment for July 29th for me to come back and try it on.  She said she would have it steamed and ready.  She didn't mention yet how much it was going to cost so I said, "how do you want to do the payment?  Do you want half now and half later?"  She said, "you don't have to", and I said, "well I would want half if I were you" and she said, "well I have your dress though" and winked at me....hmmm.  So she said it would be $60 total and I gave her $30 cash.  No receipt.  Yes, I'm too trusting!

She bustled me out the door and I sat in the car pondering what had just taken place.  I didn't have a lot of time to think about it because I had to meet Venti and Mocha at the caterers.  I got there and Mocha's Mom was there too.  We went over the menu and were brought a plate of chicken piccata to try.  It was very good and so they finalized the menu and off we left to the bridal shop where Mocha and myself were meeting my cousin and her little girl Talia to try on flower girl dresses.  We found the perfect one and Talia looked so cute! 

Later for dinner Joe and I went out for date night!  We had their specialty which was BBQ ribs, BBQ, Hot Wings and Fries.  It was a plate for 2 which we shared and could have shared with 2 other people because it was so large!  We brought half of it home, but boy was it good!

We will be spending the day at the pool today with Venti and Mocha!  Hope everyone has a fantastic Saturday!  I will post the Meet Me On Monday questions tomorrow evening so you can post them Monday morning!


  1. girl reading this i was scared you were gonna say she ruined your dress or something lol! glad everything turned out great :)

  2. LOL! Sounds like "Debi Scissorhands" is quite the character, but talented too! I can't wait till we finally get to see the end product -- I'm assuming you will post pics when the wedding finally takes place because we're all going to want to see how glam you are! Oh yeah, we'll probably want to see a pic of Venti and Mocha too. :)

  3. Wow! in your description, all I could think was about a movie, called Nanny McFee. Nanny does wonders and very fast. Sounds like you will be pleased with dress. Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog re my husband, Eddie. I've moved on and remaried, but thank God for the years we had together. Have a great weekend.

  4. Oh, I'm like Rose. I, too, thought of Nanny McPhee (wonderful movie, by the way). As I read I just kept praying that she hadn't done some gosh-awful, never to be fixed transformation to that beautiful dress. I'll be so anxious to see how the final fix turns out. (However, I think you'd look beautiful in whatever she produces.)
    I've always wanted to know how things are from the Mother of the Groom perspective. What I experienced is that they just deliver their son to the church on the day of.
    Stay calm and cool.
    I can't wait for the end results.

  5. Sounds like you found a gem there - no fancy abode but she knows what she is doing. I am sure the dress will look amazing. Glad you are having a wonderful weekend with Venti home doing lots of wedding planning.

  6. Sometimes you can find the best things in what seems to be the worst places! Can't wait to see pictures!

  7. I was afraid you were going to end up with a mini skirt and a boob tube top or something. Yikes. More wedding stories! Love them!

  8. I would have totally freaked if that were me with the overzealous seamstress. I had chicken picatta for me wedding dinner and it was delicious!

  9. That is amazing. She sounds like she really knows what she is doing. I bet your dress is stunning. I can't wait to see the pictures. So glad that this turned out to be a happy ever after story. I was worried what with the title and all....

  10. I was scared there for a minute. It sounds like it is going to look awesome. Can't wait to see it.

  11. That was some crazy stuff and a little freaky. I am glad it came out all right.

  12. It's the old adage: Never judge a book by it's cover.
    She sounds talented to the nines.
    Glad you will like your dress, Java.


  13. I can't wait to see how this all turns out. I'm excited to see. Good luck with the wedding and all that yet to be.
    Take car and have a blessed weekend.

  14. Take car? Oh well you know what I mean, take care and have a blessed weekend.

  15. Oh yes, Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo! LOVE it!! Debi Scissorhands! LOL! It's going to be beautiful! I had a bridal store in SoCal for several years before we moved and I referred out the alterations. There were 2 main ones I used because they were magicians with the alterations and always did a beautiful job. I can't WAIT to see the end result and no you will look FABULOUS! ;D

  16. What an awesome day! And your fairy godmother scissorhand lady extrodinarie story was HILARIOUS~ Perfectly told! LOL Just watch, I bet she will do an awesome job, although, you might have alot more nervous sweats thinking about what's going on! lol

    I'm sorry I haven't been around here lately, I've been reading but not commenting. No time... things have been bad... :( I am glad things worked out with the dress though and I can't WAIT to see the alterations!!

  17. Great story, next time take pictures... I would definately recommend Debbie Scissorhands to other people, maybe she needs the money... Cant wait to see the finished project..

  18. Thanks for stopping by my blog :) I'm your newset follower!

  19. I'm now following from the Blog Hop! Feel free to follow back at

  20. How fun to watch her work her magic. And wedding plans are the funnest. I think. My oldest son's wasn't so fun, but I am hoping the next two boys do better! : )

  21. OMG! I would have been so freaked to see a stranger do that so quickly! She sounds very talented and confident in her talent. Ha! I measure and re-measure even when I am only cutting the sleeves off a t shirt! Ha!

    My sons wedding is much more casual than yours. Today I tried on a dress that I liked, but not the right color so I just now ordered it online and as I clicked on SUBMIT ORDER, I saw out of the corner of my eye....COLOR:RANDOM !! What?
    Should be interesting!

  22. Wow, gripping story, but seamstresses are amazing, really anyone that can sew is amazing nowadays, I can't wit to see you in the final product, please take some pics of it at your next appointment!

  23. Have you found out what the bride's mother's wearing yet? It sounds like you luck up on a real old time seamstress - I hope everything works out - and the money is the least of it.



I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!