Saturday, July 31, 2010

Debi Scissorhands Part 3

If you haven't read the first post regarding my mother of the groom dress for Venti's wedding in October, you can read it HERE.   You can also read PART 1 and PART 2. I put the pictures on in black and white because I don't want you to see the finished product until its done!

My appointment with Debi Scissorhands on Thursday went very well!  When I got there she whisked me into her spare room that she uses for alterations. My dress hung on the door jam and she said, "put it on and let me know when you are ready"...and out the door she went before I could even turn around! I quickly changed and couldn't wait to slip on the dress to see what progress has been done so far! I stepped into the gown and already I could tell that it was looking exactly the way that I wanted it to!

I called for Debi to come back in the room and she re-appeared immediately. I couldn't get the zipper to zip so she came around to the back and zipped me up. I said that it felt tight under my boobs. Debi then asked, "where are you at in your monthly cycle?" "Huh?" I said. "Where are you in your monthly cycle?" I'm thinking what in the world does that have to do with it being tight under my boobs! I said, "not for another 2 weeks" (and now you all know when I will be getting my period!), "but what does that have to do with it being tight under my boobs?" Debi said, "if you are getting your monthly cycle soon then that would explain the tightness....and will you be close to your cycle around the wedding date?" I said, "yes I believe so" (oh boy I'll have to look for a purse that's big enough to carry lipstick and tampons! I wanted one of those cute little clutch purses and now I may have to rethink that!)
 Ok it is not tight because I'm 2 weeks from getting my period, so it must be that I've gained a couple of pounds! I wouldn't have bloating under my boobs! My waist is way below that!
I said ok never mind that (I won't eat for 3 weeks before the wedding), the cleavage was still pinned and hadn't been sewn yet, the hem was still pinned and she got down and carefully and went the whole way around and precisely place each pin carefully along the hem.
 As for the back of the dress, she removed all the ruffles and re-sewed it.  It doesn't look anything like it did before and I think it turned out great!
 When Debi was done placing every last pin she said, "off you go...get changed and let me know when you are ready!"  I carefully took the dress off and re-hung it on the door jam.

Debi came back into the room and said that she would call me in a couple of weeks.  I thanked her and she ushered me to the door.  I glanced back one more time as I walked down the steps to see the tiny woman that I had only met twice and yet trusted immensely.


  1. Stunning dress--even in black and white!

  2. Will you be posting a color? It looks gorgeous!

  3. Without the train and ruffles it looks just right I think, well done you for sticking with your convictions about the dress! What a treasure Debi is - you came up trumps there too!

  4. Somehow I can't imagine an impending period would cause that much of a diff. in the dress.. and I've never heard of gaining weight right below the boob area.. Could she have been slightly off in the measurement? To me that's the logical answer..And yes, what is the color?

  5. This is so much fun to follow your MOTG dress journey. I'm loving it!! It is a gorgeous dress! Can't wait to see the finished product.

  6. The dress looks very nice, very elegant.

    Stop by my blog and collect the award I've given's for blogs I've recently discovered.

  7. You look very nice in your MOTG dress. I am so sorry I somehow missed this weeks FF40&Over. I'll do better next week. Now I will be waiting to see the color.

  8. Debi magic hands. Your dress looks beautiful!

  9. Sleek and elegant - way better than original dress!! Ya looks beautimous!

  10. that looks gorgeous! I want to see the color version! I remember getting fitted for my wedding dress - it was a very sleek, satin strapless, super form fitting dress - when i went to pick it up/final try on, it was so uncomfortably tight but i was tired of dealing and just wanted to take my dress HOME! Thankfully, i must have been bloated - or i stressed a few extra pounds away - because one month later, on my wedding day, it slipped on perfectly. ahhh :D

  11. I love that you fell in love with this dress the first time you saw it, had a vision of what you wanted it to become, and made it YOURS!! Can't wait to see the finished product, and of course, the wedding pics!!

  12. So exciting. It's funny how being with you step-by-step makes you feel like you are part of the process. Now I can't wait to see how it turns out. Matter of fact, I kind of feel that way about the wedding. We've been through all the ups and downs. It's sort of like reality TV. Only it's a reality blog. You have a reality blog Java. How cool is that? You should consider a VLog....

  13. OMG!!! I love it so much better now!!! It is absolutely stunning on you! Way to go!!!

  14. I'm sure it is beautiful.....can't wait to see it in real living color.

  15. I love the pleats or gathers that are on the dress below the waist and the back is lovely. So far so good - but I can't wait to see the dress when it's finished and in color a with your shoes on.

  16. Java, thanks for grabbing my button! It's so funny, because I JUST MADE IT TODAY and not half an hour ago finally figured out how to finish all the code and links! So, you are officially the first grabber!

    Can't wait to see the dress....

  17. Looking good. I am so glad it is going well. Can't wait to see the finished product.

  18. the dress looks much better.i can't tell what color.

  19. For heaven sakes! I can't believe it's the same dress! The back of it is absolutely gorgeous! I can't wait, really, to see the finished product! And it's going to be so beautiful on you.

  20. HA!! Too awesome. That woman is freaking AWESOME! It already looks great Java!!

  21. Beautiful choice! You look stunning!

    Happy Sunday~

  22. I just read your post about choosing a dress for the wedding. When my son got married, finding my dress WAS THE HARDEST TASK I'VE EVER UNDERTAKEN! I barely survived it! Ha ha. This looks so pretty on you.

    Warmly, Michelle

  23. It's gorgeous!!!! Can't wait to see it finished. I admire people like Debi. I love love love to sew, but absolutely don't like to do alterations! I really can't do's entirely different than sewing a garment together!

  24. Even without color in the picture - I can tell it's beautiful! Can't wait to see it in it's full glory!

  25. That is such a gorgeous dress! Can't wait to see the finished product!

  26. HaaHaa! I love this woman! I wish I'd had someone like that around when I needed my wedding dress hemmed. I ended up with a really snooty lady who didn't do a very good job. :( But your Debi Scissorhands sounds like such a character!!! You should write a book with her as one of the characters. :D

    And even though you're only giving us little glimpses of your dress so far - it looks stunning!!! I can't wait to see the final pictures. You are going to be so gorgeous in your dress!!!

  27. What a gem!! She could have probably whipped it up from scratch with just a drawing and measurements! LOL! Her talents are well worth it!

    You will look amazing. Looking forward to the finished product in all it's COLOR and elegance!

  28. Stunning.
    Both, you and the dress sista!

    Abslutely STUNNING!

  29. You look Fabulous, so glad you chose this one

  30. awww java! gorgeous!!!! thanks for sharing!

  31. what a beautiful dress you look great in it!!


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