Thursday, July 22, 2010

If you don't have anything nice to say.....

Thank you all for your words of encouragement about my job! Yesterday was my first "real" day and I was able to sit a couple of times throughout the day which did help! I will give it some time as I don't want to make a decision right away.   I was able to read some of your lovely blogs last night and that sure did make my week! I was so delighted to see that I got two lovely awards!
 Thank you VERY much to RO MAGNOLIA at Soft Winds and Roses and ROBIN at Your Daily Dose!!

When I started blogging I had no idea the kind of people that I would meet and the friends that I would make.  I feel so fortunate to have you guys as friends and I don't take our friendship lightly.  I am here for you should you need anything and I know that I can count on any of you for advice, support, pep talks....just about anything!!

When I visit my blogging friends I always leave a comment.  And that comment is always positive and I try to be supportive as any friend should be!  I receive lots of comments as well which I love and read every single one of them....even the bad ones....yes...the bad ones.  I have only received 2 negative comments so far.  If you missed the first one, you can read it HERE.

So yesterday I receive this comment:

You may want to correct your "About Me" –the term is "used to" not "use to."  Just putting that out.

Who does that?  Ok so my grammar isn't correct but it is MY blog and if I want to say "use to" then shouldn't I be able to without having someone correct me?  I would NEVER ever tell someone that they aren't using the correct grammar!  This comment wasn't even from one of my friends and so I am disregarding it!

I am here to be your friend and am loving the friendship in return. I don't like negativity and to me I have the saying that if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all!

And you know what?

"I am living on the land that my Grandfather use to have a working dairy farm for more then 50 years."

And I'm proud of it!   


  1. Sorry, I missed your post yesterday...Will have to check it out... I can not believe some random person commented about your grammar...Didn't realize the grammar police were out on this

  2. Good for you! I'm an English teacher, and there are things that drive me nuts, but it isn't my job to grade bloggers. I read blogs because I like the people that write them. I save my red pen for my 6th graders.

    I have been reading you blog for a little while now and this is my first comment. I admire your honesty. =)

  3. Java - Way to go for setting your rude commenter straight. These are our blogs, our thoughts, from our minds. Yes, we put ourselves out there, not to be criticized, but to share. Fully supporting you girl!


  4. Uugh....I'm an English teacher's worst nightmare. It's so idiotic that someone would come in your blog and correct you. Seriously? First of all, it's rude as hell. Secondly, get a life! Geeze!

  5. You have my support! I had one nasty comment once! I think I know who it was. Its your BLOG do/say whatever you want!! I am leaving you a private email too!

  6. Very Rude...and I would hate to have to second guess everything I wrote in worry that it would not be correct grammer or spelling. My blog is mine with warts and all...I love your blog and hope that you have a great Thursday!

  7. Hope no one reads my blog with a red pen either. That is just so wrong. I didn't even notice your bad grammar. And if somehow that day all my brain cells were firing, I would NEVER have mentioned it. That's like walking into someone home and telling them how they should clean their house. Just very poor manners. BTW -I also think your blog is just perfect the way it is - bad grammar and all:)

  8. *shakes head* I have to agree... Reading someone's blog is like visiting their home. To criticize one while you're there is just rude.

    I personally love your blog, Java! As do those that have already commented... That's all that matters. ;-) Just disregard the "haters"...

  9. Congrats on your awards! Your blog is wonderful and you deserve them. And what a rude person! Ugh. People need to get off their kicks about thinking they should be nasty.Glad you stood up for yourself.

  10. I think the term anally retentive would best describe such behavior (if I am allowed to say such a thing in the blogosphere) and is definitely best ignored :-) Glad to hear things are going better with the new job and congratulations on your awards, well deserved as yes, you do always leave wonderful comments and I too love your blog Java.

  11. I hope that person doesn't visit my blog. He/She would have a field day correcting my grammar! People who make rude comments only do so because they are so miserable with their own lives. Let's all feel sorry for that person and hope that they get a life soon!

  12. Okay, so grammar is a peeve of mine, but never, ever would I correct somebody on her blog! That's just extremely rude!

  13. I'm with you, why would someone do that? WOuld someone enter someone's house and say, "You know, you chose the wrong color for your walls?"

    well, I suppose there are people who will, but they have no social skills. Correction is for the classroom...

  14. Java It just means you have arrived big time in the Blogging World. Job well done regardless of grammar or no grammar mistakes. There are all kinds of people and that is what makes life interesting!
    Am glad you could take a seat now and again at work!
    Take care

  15. I agree with YogaSavy.
    Hang tough, Java, in all corners.
    have a good one.

  16. I hate when I get weird comments like people trying to tell me how to do something. So sorry! Congrats on your awards! :)

  17. I think that first negative comment was very rude. But I think the 2nd negative one may just be trying to help. That's how I took it anyway. We are all different I guess but I like to know ways I can improve my blog. I don't mind if people disagree with me, in fact sometimes I think it just opens up a good discussion...just as long as they do it respectfully. That's my opinion anyway.

    And I think you have a great blog.

  18. ARGH!!! That comment was so uncalled for. I love your blog. That comment is like having someone over to your home who criticizes it. True friends just want to be around their friends regardless of what their home looks like. I visit blogs like yours because I consider you my cyber friend. I don't even notice grammer or spelling mistakes. I like you for YOU and what you share with the world.
    Sending you a friendly cyber hug.

  19. People who bother to comment on grammar (in a blog, especially!) have nothing better to do with their time....I'm sure they have flaws we could point out, but WE wouldn't!! I notice grammar/spelling/punctuation things all the time and you know what? I just don't care!

    Hang tough, and congrats on your awards!!

  20. I am always amazed at what some people feel like is okay to say to someone via the internet. I just don't get the need for someone to "correct" or criticize or even to make a negative comment. I just don't get it at all.

  21. Java, you and your grammar rock so forget about that person! I was hoping in next weeks beauty tips you could tell me how to naturally lighten my hair. I know the lemon juice technique but I would like the best recipe, and any other suggestions you have. I am blonde, but it gets dark over the winter. I do not dye my hair, but miss that bleach blonde effect I had when I did dye it. Just a suggestion, if you could help me out- from one blonde to another.

  22. As an English major, I notice those kinds of things all of the time. However, it really isn't a big deal. The flip side is that recently since my migraines have gotten worse, it is screwing with my brain. My own spelling is deteriorating. I sometimes will type my blog and do things like this: type "look" when I mean "like." The only thing I can come up with is that they both start with an l and end with a "k" sound. It happens a lot. So, I am constantly proofreading two and three times before posting b/c spellcatch won't pick it up. Then I see one of those errors in a comment that I leave. Ugggh. I also, as an English major, am particular about words that sound alike but are spelled differently. There and their. Too, to, two. Fairy and ferry. Loose and lose. People mess these up all of the time. I don't usually say anything unless it really changes the meaning of what they are writing and actually is causing confusion. If I know what they meant... meh. Let it go. With my migraine/brain thing... I am finding it in my own writing. It drives me insane. Where am I going with this? Was that person out of line? Totally. I find that people who don't "know" you feel like they can say ANYTHING on your blog and it is okay because they get a free pass (b/c they don't know you). A free pass to be mean. Or they could have thought they were doing you this tremendous favor by pointing out something helpful. IDK. Or maybe they are OCD about English grammar and couldn't help themselves. Whatever. You had the right idea. Ignore them. It is your blog. I just realized how long this comment is. I am not going back and proofreading it. I bet I made at least one grammatical error in it...

  23. Good for you on all acoounts. It is your blog and you can say or spell what you want to. Congratulations on your awards. Hope your new job will go well for you.

  24. Thanks for the follow! I am following you back-
    Good luck on the new job.

    Congrats on your awards, I am sure they are well deserved-XXOO

  25. Good for you for calling the grammar police out! Criticizing your blog is just tacky. I think I am glad now that I don't have many followers, as I have also not had any negative comments. Yet, anyway!

    Love your blog!

  26. I am a grammar nut! Don't care if other people use incorrect grammar or spelling, but if I do it and some one points it out - I'll fix it. I have a cousin who is a Teacher's aid and can't seem to spell correctly or use punctuation. Drive's me NUTS!
    Oh - well.
    Each to his/her own I figure :)
    We all love you just the way your are!!

  27. Wow! Some people just like stirring up trouble. I'm new to your blog and enjoy it immensely. I added the over 40 bloggers button to my blog!

  28. You my dear, this is your blog. You write what you want, how you want and anything you want and I'll be here to read and enjoy every part. Congrats on the awards, I know of none more deserving.
    Thanks for stopping by. Have a great Friday. Good luck on your new job too. I use to be a Rehab aid/nursing aid and know being on your feet 8 or more hours is hard but you do get use to it. Just put your feet up and relax your back at each short break and walk at lunch time to stretch, it helps.
    Take care Java.

  29. Can I just say I think it's amazing that you get to live on the land that was once your grandfather's dairy farm! I think that is so cool! I think it's amazing to have that kind of heritage property - part of your own family history. Very, very cool --- no matter how you say it, or write it. :)

  30. I just LOVE THUMPER!! The BEST policy there is! ;D

    I love your design and I don't know ANYONE that NEVER make a grammatical error now and then. EVEN English MAJORS! So LEAVE it the way it is and let the imbecile twitch if they must. HAH!


  31. when i write a post, I do make spelling errors as well as grammer. I try to correct this, but sometimes I messup. our blogs are for the purpose to reach out to others. I think that is more important than picking out grammer or spelling.

  32. I am a spelling and grammar fanatic, too. However, I would NEVER, EVER correct someone else on their own blog. Plus, as Robin stated above, lately, I've been making so many mistakes of my own, it is quite embarrassing!

    When it comes to blogging, I think all the rules go out the window anyway. These are diaries of sorts, not essays or term papers we are turning in to the teacher. They are our own words and thoughts that do not have to be perfect.

    However, I will admit that if I come upon a blog that is littered with oodles and oodles of misspelled words, terrible grammar, no punctuation, or a lot of that text message type writing, I'm going to pass it by. A mistake here or there is one thing, but not being able to write a complete sentence is another. :O\

    Thanks again for hosting this amazing blog hop for us! I absolutely love it. It is my favorite!


    Teresa <><

    ♥ Too Many Heartbeats ♥

  33. Another believer in the Thumper Theory here! I love what you’re doing and the way you spread positivity around the blogosphere!

  34. The English Comp teacher in me loves language - but I also love dialect, too and there is a time a place for both. However, in your own blogland, you can write how you want, when you want, about what you want - in whatever grammar dialect you want. Sounds like some manners classes are in order:) (not for you)

  35. Thanks so much for linking up at Traveling Through Thursday! I am now following you. I hope you will come back next Thursday for Facebook blog hop time! Thanks! Have a great weekend!


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!