Thursday, August 19, 2010


  • Mocha's bridal shower is this Saturday!  The latest count given to me from her Mom is 78 people!
  • Venti volunteered me to make my Strawberry Salad for the shower.  I have no idea how much salad I will need for 70 some people.  I'll be sure to thank Venti later!  :)
  • I also made 5 gift baskets for the shower that will be used for prizes for the games they will be playing!  I'll take a picture of them and post it with the shower pictures.
  • Venti called yesterday and asked me if I had a song in mind for the Mother/Son dance at the wedding.  I told him I didn't.....did he?  He said he likes Rascal Flatts, "My Wish" and The Pretenders, "I'll Stand By You".....I listened to them on Youtube......I cried.
  • Venti, Joe, Grande, Tall and Short are going for Tuxes on Friday afternoon!  I work and so I won't be able to go...:(
  • I can't wait to see how much 5 tuxes are going to cost!  I think Venti's is free....woohoo!
  • Speaking of jobs...I have been at my new job for 5 1/2 weeks now!  I have gotten used to standing and I do get to sit throughout the day so that isn't so bad.  I do like the job much better then the job that I left...its just very hard being away from home all day.
  • School starts in 12 days!  I cannot believe that Summer is over already.  I do not like the routine of school....homework, lunches, uniforms...ugh!  Tall will be a Senior and Short will be in 5th grade.  Grande will be a Junior in college!  He is studying Criminal Justice.
  • I haven't heard from Debi Scissorhands yet about my dress!  I am anxious to see it finished and to try it on!
  • Joe and I have been searching for a place to have the rehearsal dinner but we are having a tough time finding a place that will seat about 50 people...and on a Friday night!
  • I will announce on Friday's Blog Hop who won to be this weeks featured blog!
  • Joe and I went to a party at our neighbors house last Saturday.  We were the oldest one's there....and no one even noticed!  :)
  • Time to go and pack my lunch for tomorrow....turkey on a honey wheat sandwich thins (love those), sunchips and peaches....catch up on blog Deal or No Deal....fall asleep to reruns of The Golden Girls.....exciting huh??


  1. Hey There. I am not sure how you feel about blogger awards (I am not sure how I feel about them either) but someone gave me one and I HAD to pass it on to you. Here is the link:

  2. Lady, do u ever slow down? U are unbelievable.

  3. You are a busy one! Enjoy the shower. I love that strawberry salad!!


  4. So much to do, but you can do it.

    I like being home, too. Glad you like your new job, though. That helps.


  5. I am still in the middle of putting it together, but I wanted to let you know that I dedicated a video to you today for HERE'S TO YOU THURSDAY. I hope you like it!

  6. What a busy schedule! But weddings are the best, and go for the Rascal Flatts song!

  7. Hi Java, My goodness you are up to a lot of things. Good luck with everything; and stop to take care of your beautiful self too! Also, I have a new blog hop starting up and made the announcement. I hope that you participate with all of your wonderful thoughts in your posts! Roz @ la bella vita

  8. No effin way I am listening to Rascal Flatts my wish-I turned it on right before I opened your blog-ITS FATE

  9. 78 people? Awww, congrats to them! I'm sorry I've been absent and missed the news! Good luck to the happy young couple!

  10. I love those songs that Venti likes, especially that Rascal Flatts one. It makes me cry too.

  11. How sweet that he came up with those songs. So touching! A lot of the teachers at one of my schools have gotten into the sandwich thins, but I haven't tried them yet.
    I can't believe we start school as early as we do while the rest of the world waits until a decent time to go back!

  12. "My Wish" is a great song for mother's and sons. Provokes alot of tears and you know what, it's supposed to do that! It's more touching and helps you live in the moment and remember that moment so much more than if you were emotionally disconnected and just shuffled your feet back and forth and prayed for it to be over (I see that alot too!). I hope you have a great dance with your boy!

    You sound so busy... I'm just breathing in and out. Trying to survive. :(

  13. i can't imagine 78 people at a shower. where do you put them? a lot going on, but you will manage, glad to hear about the job and your feet endurance. have a good day. rose

  14. Woman, you are as busy as I am most days! Good luck with the shower!!!

  15. Sounds like you’re keeping very busy – but you’re living the quote in your post! The shower sounds like it will be wonderful! Good luck with all your preparations!

  16. Sounds like the weekend will be eventful for you!! I'm sure we'll get the SCOOP next week!! ;D

    Ready - Set - Take a DEEP BREATH - GO!!


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!