Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Never Growing Old

I saw an image today that scared me.

I am 3 1/2 figures from the right.

I've already gone through 7 of the 10.

That scares me.

Seeing an image like that makes me see just how short and precious life is.

I always used to smiled when my Grandma would say, "enjoy your life because it goes by too quickly"....

She knew what she was talking about.

I'd smile because I'd heard this saying over and over because she always said it to me.

And I never really "got it"....

I just smiled.

I'm still smiling....

Thinking about her...

I'm still smiling....

Because she was right...

I'm still smiling....

Because I am aware....that it goes by too quickly....

And so I don't take life lightly...

I savor every moment...every minute...every second....

Because I don't want to be figure number 10.....

Anytime soon....

Because it scares me...

And life shouldn't be about being scared...

Of dying...and growing old...

Which is why...

I'm not doing it...

I am never..



Anyone joining me?


  1. Me! :)
    Even if I was a zombie for three days...back to life again!

  2. ME!!! I am with you:)

    I totally agree....You always hear how fast it flies and then when you get older and have chidlren, YOU TOTALLY GET IT!!!

    Have a blessed day sweetie-xxoo

  3. Oh, it scares me too sweet friend! The years seem to go by so fast now. And, like you, I've heard that saying "time flies" so many times. It really really does.


  4. I always say when asked my age: young at heart. I hope that remains with me until the day I die.

  5. yikes!

    Talk about reality check!

    I'll definitely join your club, where do I sign?

  6. Never!!!!

    I think I might even be a bit further along than you, I have grandchildren. But I"M NOT OLD!!!

  7. Move, over.. I'm joining... My grandmother said the same.. Have u realized that the older we get the months go by so fast? My mom use to say it was because we were so busy doing things.. Remember when we were kids and we would feel like the days dragged till a certain holiday came around???

  8. I haven't been old for the last 36 years of my life...I am just gaining experience. In a few weeks I will celebrate my 21st birthday for the 36th time. I guess one of these years I will get the celebration part down pat :-)

  9. Save a place for me. I'm jumping on-board.

  10. I finally getting it, too.

    Trudy &

  11. Alpha Hubby & I started a few years back researching and doing the things that are good for the body and help with anti-aging. It's astounding the wonderful amount of info out there now that helps you live a long, strong, healthy, joy-filled life! Without sickness and disease. I'm with you, too! (Check out & his articles on anti-aging)

  12. I'm starting to be open to the idea of aging gracefully.... but that doesn't mean I want to grow old! Yes, please put me in your club.

  13. I refuse to get old. I might joke about it sure - and use it as an excuse when it suits my purposes, but in reality, I refuse to be any older in my heart than about 26

  14. Java, I am with you, life is a never ending trip to wherever your mind will take you.

  15. Thanks for sharing that was really neat. Been away for a while nice catching up on your blog.

  16. Right before my grandmother died, back in 1993, she said something like, life is like a carousel... and it all just went by so fast.

  17. I hear ya. I feel ya. I am with ya on this one.

  18. You do know that's an old type picture when people were dead when they hit 60. Figure the average person dies about 73, where they get this I'll never know since most people I know live into their 80's. Anyway we're both in our early 40's. We've only worked half of our life. We still have another half of life left. Don't fear away the good times.

  19. I know I am fighting my age. I have an up hill battle too cause I have a few health issues and well worse ones run in my family, but I am doing all I can to slow it all down...I embrace my number, just not what comes with it!

  20. Totally IN!! I am NEVER growing old... besides, who can guarantee that we will reach number 10?what if we were born to be number 7? or 8? so why bother? Just keep smiling ;)

  21. Ohmygosh! That image is scary! I'm with you ... never growing old!

    BTW - I just wanted to let you know I enjoy your blog and have given you an award...

  22. I with you all the way but that image is a little scary

  23. I'm with you.
    Sometimes I'm alone with my thoughts and I realize everyone is (almost) younger than me. My kids are growing up and I'm growing old. A little scary.

  24. so true. life seems to go faster as i get older. i try to enjoy life as we never know when we won't have life to think about. rose

  25. Oh my! I refuse to think about it but sometimes my body does it for me! I am a grandmother and that just still surprises me....I may be middle age, but a GRANDMOTHER???? GAH!!!!

  26. What a beautiful post.... I think when we reach a certain age it scares all of us, So I am with you. I am never growing old.


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