Sunday, August 15, 2010

Meet Me on Monday!!

Welcome to the 10th edition of 
"Meet Me On Monday!"

Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?"  I know them...but yet I don't know them!  I want to know who the person is behind all those words so I thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other!

Every Sunday I will post five get to know you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!

"Its a great way to to meet new friends and for others to get to know me Monday at a time!!!" quoted by the Chacogirl!!

I will make this SIMPLE and FUN!!!

I will add a linky so we can follow who participates and get to know them better!!  Be sure to link the POST and not just your whole blog!


1. What is your favorite dessert?
2. What do you wear to bed?
3. Do you get regular manicures/pedicures?
4. Did you play any sports in high school?
5. Do you have an iPod?
My Answers!

1. What is your favorite dessert?

    Ohhhhh I LOVE Crème Brûlée! I make it quite often! I will share a recipe with you soon!

2. What do you wear to bed?

      I use to wear the matching 2 piece pj's sets...I had tons of them!  But for the last 4-5 years now I sleep in one of Joe's t-shirts.  In the winter I sleep in a long-sleeve t-shirt and a pair of capri sleep pants.  Nothing fancy...nothing matches...its all about comfort!

 3.  Do you get regular manicures/pedicures?

      I wish!!  I have only every had 1 manicure and 1 pedicure in my whole life!  Can you believe it?  My feet are really ticklish and I just can't justify paying $50 when I can just paint my toes myself!

4.  Did you play any sports in high school?

     I was a majorette all through junior high and high school.  That is a sport isn't it?  No laughing at my hair!  lol

 5.  Do you have an iPod? 

     I do not!  I'm probably the last person on the earth that doesn't have one!
Time to link up and meet!!

This is a blog hop so if you want to put the linky on your post just click the "Get the Code" at the bottom of the linky.

Your link MUST include your Meet Me On Monday post or it will be deleted!

Remember if you don't have a blog or if you just want to post your answers in the comment section then that is fine too!


  1. Love seeing and learning more about you. AND you are not the last person on earth w/o an ipod. YOu and I have got to get one!!

  2. We both like oversized t's! I've never tasted Crème Brûlée, but I want to try to make it soon. The Pioneer Woman has a great recipe for it on her website! I-Pods haven't quite made it to Paraguay yet:) Have a great week, btw: loved your waffle conversation with your son:)

  3. I've never tried Creme Brulee, will have to try and find a recipe.
    I don't have an IPod either, just don't see the point really.

  4. I'm a follower! I found you via another blogger who participated last Monday. Love you blog!

  5. So glad you're hosting these!!! I was watching all day for your questions and had so much fun answer them. Great ending to the weekend!

  6. Thanks for sponsoring "Meet Me on Monday"...I enjoy so much reading others loving the answers I'm reading to "what do you wear to bed"...too cute!!!
    Hope you have a wonderful week!!
    P.S...about my Mamaw...I'm so blessed to be my age and still have a grandparent living. She's very, very feeble and sometimes is quite disoriented...but she's adorable!!! We sure do miss her cooking!

  7. You're getting further away from being the last person....I don't have one, either.

  8. You're definitely not the last person to have an ipod. I don't have one either.

  9. I would love your recipe for Creme Brulee. When we go to New Orleans, I always order that for dessert, or just order Creme Brulee. LOL

  10. I just love over-sized t-shirts, too!

  11. It is always fun learning new things about you. I THINK I may be back to normal now with blogging and keeping up with my "favs"...............was on vacation and loved every minute of it.
    I DON'T HAVE AN IPOD EITHER.....but thinking of getting one.
    LOVE creme brulee. (reminds me of the movie My Best Friends Wedding)
    I LOVE pedicures..............but haven't had one since moving here to the country (boo hoo)
    I didn't do sports in school...not an ounce of cordination for me. BUT I LOVE WATCHING ALL KINDS OF SPORTS.

  12. What a fun blog hop. I am so glad I found it.Thanks for hosting it.

    Oversized T-shirts are the best if you ask me.

  13. Already was a follower. I linked up my blog. Thanks!

  14. I love Creme Brulee. My daughter, the pastry chef, has made it for us. We even gave her the torch for melting the sugar topping.
    I can't believe it's Monday already. But I'm with the program so far.
    Happy, happy Monday.

  15. Can't WAIT for that Creme Brulee recipe! YUM!

    LOL!! I was a majorette in High School, too! We won't talk about when I paused too long with the fire baton and singed my arm hairs all the way up... PEW!! Yeah! NOBODY wanted to be on the same BUS with me! Bleh!! ((HUGS))

  16. I don't have an Ipod either. I also do my own nails.

    Trudy &

  17. what a wonderful idea! i just got back from my summer holiday and am not ready. hopefully by next week I will take part. I will join the non-iPod club...PLUS I don't have a mobile phone and I don't drive a car but bicycle from place to place. How's that?

  18. This was no much fun...I hope I did it right...I may have an ipod but this blogging stuff sometimes gets the better of me...but still learning....never too old they say....

  19. You are not the last person on earth! No iPods here either! My kids don't even have one. But we do have a cd player...that is the same thing right....?

  20. Java!, don't feel bad, I don't have an ipod either!

  21. I love Crème Brûlée also, even though I've only had it once!

    I am a new follower and just linked up.

    Hope you can stop by and visit my blog, I have some great giveaways going on right now.

    Have a Great Day!

  22. 1. What is your favorite dessert?
    There's no way to choose! lol
    2. What do you wear to bed?
    Tank Top
    3. Do you get regular manicures/pedicures?
    I don't like manicures because they destroy your nails, (like getting too many haircuts;) but I get pedis all the time.
    4. Did you play any sports in high school?
    Heck no, I ditched p.e.
    5. Do you have an iPod?

  23. 1. What is your favorite dessert?
    Rocky Road Ice Cream
    2. What do you wear to bed?
    3. Do you get regular manicures/pedicures?
    It is a must!!
    4. Did you play any sports in high school?
    I was also a baton twirler.
    5. Do you have an iPod?

  24. Ok, I decided to play along this week! Love your answers my friend!

  25. Add me to the list too. I like listening to life than an Ipod.

  26. I love to sleep in my boyfriend's tshirts too! Thanks for this blog hop, I enjoy it every week! :)

  27. 1. What is your favorite dessert?
    Key Lime Pie

    2. What do you wear to bed?
    Capri cotton PJ pants and a t-shirt

    3. Do you get regular manicures/pedicures?
    I'm not able to get them regularly but I do try to go quite often.

    4. Did you play any sports in high school?
    No. I was on the dance team.

    5. Do you have an iPod?
    No. Just an MP3 player.

    Busy Mom's Tips
    Blogging Hints

  28. Hey Java!

    I am so glad you put that you were a majorette! I never know how to answer that when someone ask. I was in the Drill Team all 4 years and was also a officer. I think that should totally count as being in sports! At least that's what I'll keep telling myself! lol
    And you're not the last person on earth not to have an iPod. I don't have (or have any interest) one either!

    Have a great week and take care everyone!

  29. Oh gosh, Java, I couldn't make your Meet Me on Monday blog hop cuz faculty meetings and student advising began yesterday and my life is just slammed with busy-ness!

    However, I just wanted to say that I, too, can never pass up a creme brulee! Even in Hawaii we enjoyed one with a more tropical flair!

    Mani-Pedi's? Every other week because my feet are so horrible hard and scratch, that my husband finally caved so that I don't hurt him when cuddling! Mani's because I hasve equally horrible nails and I show my hands daily when I teach, so as a professional, I have an image to maintain.

    PJ's: short cotton nightgowns, maybe pjs when it is colder.

    sports: never participated in them ever!

    ipod: girl . . . you need to get one! My mother gave me one as a gift when I flew out to Arizona to take care of her after her bypass surgery. I love that gadget!

    PS.....if you get this far reading this comment, I need to ask you something about how to hold a blog hop and the linky deal.

    Love, Roz

  30. I missed posting this on Monday - ugh!
    1. What is your favorite dessert? Tunnel of Fudge Cake
    2. What do you wear to bed? Nothing
    3. Do you get regular manicures/pedicures? 1 each, like you -
    4. Did you play any sports in high school? Was a cheerleader
    5. Do you have an iPod? Nope, probably never will


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!