Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Summer Sounds

Summer is my favorite time of the year.  I do NOT like being cold!  But I not only like Summer for its warmth, I also love it for its sounds!

Yes sounds!!

The sounds of a Summer night!

I love hearing the crickets and katydids, an occasional owl, the sound of the trains horn in the distance....

I love when its cool enough to leave the windows open and the sounds are even clearer....

The trees rustling in the wind....

When its raining I love it even hear the raindrops falling from the sky...

No wonder so many white noise machines have settings for the sounds of late summer nights.

That's what I hear outside of my window....

What do you hear outside of yours?


  1. Crickets...

    "Summer's coming to an end...back to school for Ellie..."

  2. I love summer sounds. The cicadas, for some reason and I don't know why, ALWAYS reminds me of Summer days when I was growing up. That particular sound just "take me back" and I love that. Gerry

  3. Cicadas. Lots and lots of cicadas - they are almost deafening some days LOL. I miss the Summers of my youth when I could listen to crickets and (oddly) the sounds of sprinklers. I actually have my iphone sleep app programmed to make these sounds at night LOL... works like a charm for me :)

  4. I don't like the cold either. The cicadas are very loud outside my window.

    Trudy &

  5. I love the crickets too :) In Hawaii, we didn't have cricket song, here in Rhode Island I hear a few.
    Mostly I hear the Canadian geese honking and sea gulls flying overhead. It's so relaxing.
    I can't wait for fall here in New England.

  6. I love the train in the distance. Thunderstorms are my favorite though (as long as I'm already at home!).

  7. I love summer nights. Last night I got home after dark (been working on my classroom) and the hubs and I took a swim in the pool. I love the sound of that water in the darkness. We saw a deer silently walking on the other side of our fence looking for treats that the neighbor provides just for the wildlife.

  8. testing...
    If this works...
    In our house only thing what we hear is AC! Too hot and humid...
    'Normally' I listen relaxing music all night long so that I don't hear the elephant walking above us...

  9. I love the sunsets and the birds chomping on their birdseed!.. and I mean

  10. I love sounds of summer, great post. We have woods in our backyard. Bullfrogs, crickets, and coyotes are a few sounds. The coyotes are creepy, they sound like whining babies all night.

  11. Sometimes I hear the coyotes howl after a kill, I hear the neighbourhood cats fighting, the dogs barking. I hear the airplanes overhead, the trucks without mufflers. And I hear my drunkass neighbour being a stupid drunk all by heself. ( time to play, his cougar wannabe wife is gone on a trip)

    And Autumn is MY favorite season, hands down.


  12. The sound of water is what I hear.... I love it and will miss it

  13. I love the sounds of train horns it reminds me of my dads house.

  14. Love this post! Oh, the locusts/cicadas are crazy this year - I can hear them even with the A/C running! I too love the sounds of insects outside at night, but I don't like much else about those creepy crawlies.

  15. Crickets make the most relaxing sound out of my window on a summer night, but come closer to dawn, the peacocks kick in. Ever hear the call of a peacock? The wild ones that live in my neighborhood have no respect for sleeping humans. Loud "aaaahhhh aaas" coming from the tall trees.

  16. I am with you, particularly during the months of August and September around here...the crickets, the tree's all good!

    I too, hate to be cold. Nothing worse
    I love to hear crickets :)

  18. I love summer sounds and I love hearing the rain falling and sitting out in the still warm air watching and listening to summer rain.

  19. It is so hot here during the summer that I can barely stand to be outside with my migraines. I love winter best. I know that makes me the odd one out. Having grown up in the north, winter in the south is glorious. It just feels crisp and not so much cold. So, it isn't so much the way it sounds, but the way it feels. So much better for my migraines, too. I can go outside and it doesn't crank up my headache.

  20. The neighbor's swing that moves with the wind or without it - but we're use to it. No crickets for us, alas. I love the summer too, but this heat spells has been just ridiculous! I am too thorough with summer now, ugh!


  21. I love summer!! Even the grass that needs to be cut. Love to cut grass. I'm still enjoying the sound of the cicadas at night. And the toads.

  22. Summer is my fave time of year too. I'm so sad that it's almost over. We're trying to cram in a few more fun things from our list. We still have to do smores on the firepit & go out in our canoe.

  23. I heard frogs and grasshoppers tonight on a summers night ride home. The stars off to my left in the sky as I could catch a glance ever so breath taking a veiw.


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