Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Not so bad after all..

Its been 5 days since Venti moved out and I've had a chance to let my brain process the whole thing and I've come to find out that its not so bad after all!

Moving day was uneventful and everything went smooth.

 I helped Mocha organize the kitchen and the bedrooms because this is how it looked when I got there:

I hung up all Venti's shirts for him.  I put away all his stuff in the bathroom.  I showed Mocha how to do their first load of laundry which surprised me that she didn't know!  Or maybe she acted like she didn't know.  She did say that my laundry always smells so good and so she wanted theirs to smell that way too, so I took that as a compliment!

While we did that, Venti and Mocha's Dad and Joe hung the TV on the wall while his 3 friends and Short watched:

They had alot alittle trouble hanging the TV!

His friends had to test out the guest room:

Venti and Mocha came home on Sunday for the Memorial Day picnic and then stayed over at her house and left on Monday night.

I didn't cry when I left the apartment the day he moved in.

I haven't cried since last week when I told Venti how much I was going to miss him...he hugged me and said, "Mom...its ok...I'm only 1 hr and 15 minutes we will come home lots!"

Yesterday Joe and I cleaned out his room.  We boxed up the things that he left and stored them for him.  I was actually excited to get my office back as we have a 4 bedroom house so his room was the office.

So I've come a long way since last week.  I don't get all chocked up when I think about it.  He called today to find out how I make these certain kind of potatoes which made me feel good.  They are coming home again this weekend too!

So life does go on...I've found out that its not the end of our immediate family...its just a different chapter.


  1. Yeay! Hooray for mummy who is moving on! :D So happy for you! :D

  2. I bet he is missing you and his life of luxury dreadfully right now. But the time comes when those chicks wings are ready for them to fly away on, so well done you for being so brave and letting your first one soar away to his new life. If I am to do half as well as you I think I need to start preparing right now, even if my daughter is only three, because I already dread it so much!

  3. Awww...mama! I'm glad they are getting settled in, and you are feeling a bit better about cutting the apron strings...just a little. LOL It's so hard. Our oldest has been back with us for almost 3 years now, and I know I will be the same way when they move this summer. :(

    Love the guys testing out the guest room. LOL Looks like a really nice place!

  4. Thats a really cute Apartment!! Glad your adjusting ;)

  5. I can SO relate to your post, Java. I had the last one move out December.
    Now I'm TERRIFIED they'll want to move back in! GULP!

  6. Woohoo Java! Way to go! I can't wait to see pics of your "new" office all set up and decorated exactly the way you want it. :)

    And thanks for the reminder about the Over 40 bloggers. I figured out how to add the button in my sidebar so count me in!

  7. I would have been a mess! When my oldest son decided to go live with his dad I think I cried for a month straight! (I really know this isn't the same situation though.) At least they're only an hour away and not cross country and you get your office back! Yay!!!

  8. I'm proud of you Java! You are doing so good! Good girl! You'll see and appreciate the perks of having a child out of the house more so as time goes on! And before you know it, there will be grandbabies (5-10 years? lol) to play with, and that makes up for just about everything. :)

  9. Hi Java! I was upset when my son moved out in 2005. We have to let them go. Have a great day!

  10. This post makes me so happy for you. You've come a long way baby!

  11. Oh my gosh, we are going through so much of the same things right now! Our baby graduates highshcool tomorrow! You are right... different chapter. Tomorrow at 7:00 when graduation starts will you remind me! ( :
    also, I need you to help me put the over 40 thing on my blog.
    Have a pretty night,

  12. it's hard when our children grow up and move. rose

  13. Yay You! So proud of you. I knew you would make it & now you will start to really enjoy the change, you'll see!


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