Sunday, October 10, 2010

I'm in Love...

With my new dress!!!!!  As you read from yesterday's post I was trying on my dress for the wedding and I mistakenly cut the top layer of the dress.  I tried to repair it but I made it worse.
Here is what it looked like:

I took your advice and called Debbie Scissorhands.   She told me to come right over.  I got in the car as fast as I could!  When I got to her house, she had the door open before I had a chance to knock.  As she was examining the dress I could see the look of despair on her face and I felt so badly about what I did that I started to cry.  She said that the material isn't easy to work with and that she could fix it but not enough that it wouldn't be noticeable.  My heart sank.  I had a feeling she was going to say that.  So I took the dress, hugged her goodbye and out the door I went.

I sat in the car for about 10 minutes....looking at my dress sitting in a sad heap on my front seat.

I sat thinking about all the things you guys said to me and I agree that everything happens for a reason and maybe that dress wasn't meant to was not a comfortable dress and that is a lonnnnnnng day to be in something uncomfortable, so maybe I can find on that I like even more!

So I wiped the tears away and headed out determined to find the right dress.

I went to the first place...they had 4 long dress..none that I liked.
2nd long dresses.
3rd long dresses.
4th place....2 long red.....nope.
5th place....yuck!!

6th place....I went to the bridal place that Mocha got her dress and my Mom got her's.  When I got there it was extremely busy so I slipped through the door unnoticed which is what I wanted because I just wanted to look without someone bothering me.  I looked in this rack and that rack...didn't see anything....I was really getting discourage....feeling like I was doomed again, I headed towards the door and just as I was about to leave I glanced over towards the right and it was like the sky opened up and shined down on this rack of dresses that I some how missed.  I made a bee line to it and started searching through...I was rifling through the rack and saw there were only 3 more to look through when my hand landed on the next hangar and I got this feeling like, "this is it"....I pulled out the dress and I instantly fell in love!  This is it!!!  I thought please let it be my size, and I looked at the tag an it was a 6...I normally wear a 4-6 so I was praying that it would fit.  Plus it matched my shoes and purse that I had already purchased!

I headed for the dressing room and tried it on....the zipper slid right up...I put my shoes on and looked in the mirror.  It didn't even need altered!  The hem was perfect.....It looked perfect....well almost was a little "plain" but I thought maybe I could "bling" it up....just a little!  Sold!!

I didn't even look at the price tag but at that point I didn't even care!  So I glanced down at the tag and saw this:
 SALE!!!!  Woohoo!!!

So I headed for the cash register and the girl said, "oh wow that's a good price!"...and I said yes it was and she said that they just marked these down yesterday and that this was the only one that they had in this style!  She told me the total and I thought I was hearing her wrong....."how much?"




Omg...I couldn't believe it!  Even better yet!!!

I paid the bill and headed across the street to the fabric store.  I purchased $5.49 worth of beads and headed home.

I spend 2 hours sewing and turned the dress into this:
 Click on the images to view them larger:
Joe said that secretly he didn't really like the other dress!  I couldn't believe it!  He didn't want to tell me because he didn't want to hurt my feelings!  Now when I look the two together I definitely like this one better.  I don't want to show you the full image of the new dress because I want to keep it a surprise until the wedding!

In case you wanted to see, it here is a picture of the dress that I was going to wear.
So what do you think?

Thanks to all you for your advice meant alot to me!


  1. I love the new one!!! I only hope I get so lucky when I go out this week to shop for a dress to wear for my stepdaughter's wedding next month. I've been dreading the shopping experience, but have found new inspiration with this post! Thank you! You're going to look absolutely lovely!!!

  2. Beautiful!!! You did a great job adding some bling to it. It is going to look wonderful on you.

  3. The new one is great! What a find and you made it look even better.

  4. It looks great & it sure seems like it was meant to be. What talent you have to be able to make things even more beautiful!

    Hugs & love,

  5. I'm so happy for you. Not only did you find a great dress, but you got such an incredible price.
    Cant't wait to see the new one.

  6. yahoo! i almost posted "every cloud has a silver lining" yesterday but felt it was too trite and dismissed the gravity of such an important occasion
    feel wonderful on your beautiful day

  7. I had a feeling (not sure why) you would find one that you loved!! Can't wait to see it!!

  8. Definitively the new one!! much, much better!! you see? I told you! (like my little niece says) - everything happens for a reason and now you have a perfect dress and FOR SALE!!! wow! I am VERY happy for you! can't wait to see the pictures of the wedding - you are going to look fantastic! have a great Sunday.

  9. Wow..great find! I love the new one :)

  10. :) :) so happy for you.. I was out with my bro just now and was looking at some dresses and thought of you.. So the first thing when I got home was to check if you had updates..
    And yes.. a piece of good news.. :) :)
    Oh yes, I am going for a haircut tomorrow.. Hoping to get a new hair-style.. :)

  11. I'm so happy for you. Your new dress looks beautiful. I love how you blinged it up, just the right amount, not too much. That was a great idea. Can't wait to see the pictures of you in the dress.

  12. Wow you were super lucky to find the second most perfect dress! And your 'blinging it up' is lovely, I can't wait to see you in it. I loved the first dress too.. especially the bodice and the bling going around the sides. How typical of a man to tell you AFTER that he didn't really like the first dress!

  13. It is simply...gorgeous! I am glad a bad thing turned in to something happy!
    Peace...Naila Moon

  14. I think you took a situation that seemed dire and turned it around! Awesome dress, and what a score!!

  15. Wow I love the look of the new dress. The material looks so pretty. I am so glad that you were able to find a new dress & on sale too!

  16. I like them both, but I think the new one is prettier, especially with your "pick me up". YAY!

  17. Sounds like the new dress is the just right! It's difficult to enjoy such a joyous occasion if you aren't comfortable anyway!

  18. Wow! So happy you found something and on sale! Must be meant to be!!

  19. Wow, you are a miracle worker! That is a perfectly gorgeous dress that was clearly meant-to-be!

  20. They're beautiful dresses, both of them! Good job finding a good dress on sale even!

  21. told you so. things always happen for a reason.

    Carol-the gardener

  22. Hurray! I am so glad that it worked out. I love the reminder that every day is a new one, and that behind every dark cloud is a silver lining. You are a beautiful mom inside and out and your son and husband are lucky to have you! And your new daughter-in-law too!

  23. someone was watching over you. great price and it sounds this is the dress that was going to the wedding, but you didn't know it. can't wait to see the wedding pics and all of the beautiful people as yourself. take care rose

  24. Oh Java! i am so glad it all worked out for you! I know it would've sent me into a tizzy! Can't wait to see all the wedding pics!

  25. Oh wow! I just love how you changed it up a little and added the extra detail, GORGEOUS!!! And YOU'RE gorgeous by the way, I'm brand new here and just saw your profile pic, wow, I can't believe you're 40! YOu look amazing!!!
    I'm totally lovin your blog, now a new follower!

  26. Well it's just great! I didn't know you'd already found one and I'm so glad you like it better!!!

  27. WOW!! You turned heart break into a KILLER DEAL! AWESOME!! ;D

  28. Oh.My.Word! I haven't been by in awhile since my sister was here visiting and my computer time was VERY limited. Good grief! As a recent mother of the bride I can only imagine the panic you felt! My tummy feels queasy just thinking about it. But our God is awesome and took care of you...big time! Can't wait to see your new dress on you. It looks so pretty even in the black and white photos. You have me trying to guess the color.


  29. Wow! I can NOT believe all you've had to go through to get the right dress ... but I absolutely love how you have personalized the new one! The extra bling looks absolutely gorgeous in a very classy way! I can't wait to see the wedding pics so we can see how beautiful you look in your one-of-a-kind designer dress that you got at an AMAZING price!!! :)

  30. Absolutley GORGEOUS!

    I was crying reading your post from yesterday about the ruined dress, but it looks like you ended up with the better end of the deal!

  31. I have to see the other one on, because I still really like that other one, but you are right everything happens for a reason hun!

  32. I love the new dress, that parts we can see. I can't wait, really I can't wait, to see pictures. Oh the proud moments a mama gets to have. Good luck tomorrow Java. It will be the best day ever.
    God Bless!!


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!