Saturday, June 26, 2010

Vacation: Day 7

Day 7 is posted down below the Follow Friday 40 and Over in case anyone missed it!

We got home last evening and took the boys for Hibachi.  They did not like it and we might as well of  took a $100 bill and threw it out the window!  

Don't forget to join me in the Meet Me On Monday blog hop!!
I will have it posted Sunday night for you to add to your blogs on Monday!!

 Happy Saturday...I will be busy doing laundry, putting things away, taking Short to a birthday party and trying to get back into real life vs. vacation!


  1. Oh that stinks! My kids happen to love hibachi (even my vegetarian!). We never miss the one in EPCOT but we have one pretty close to our house as well. You have to be in the right mood to go there for sure.

    Thanks for enjoying some of that Polish Ice for me!

  2. Welcome back, Java.
    Clearly the boys need to develop their palate a wee bit.. I bet if you let them skip a couple of meals the outcome would of been different.
    Ouchie @ the 100$ waste.
    Have fun with the laundry!

  3. Oh yes....the laundry after vacation!!! So fun!

  4. Glad you had a great vacation - look forward to hearing more about your blog hop.

  5. Why is it that we need a holiday after vacation? I love going away even for just a weekend, but there is so much to do when I get home!!
    Look forward to the questions for Monday :)

  6. Thanks for following me...I'm following you back. My hubby's nickname when he was growing up was "Java"....because he resembled the little boy on Tarzan named Java!! HA! HA! I hadn't thought about that in a long time until I saw your comment on my blog!!!

  7. just saw your blog. my computer was down. vacation is great except for all of the work before and after to put up things. have a more relaxing sunday.

  8. If only the holidays could last.... Getting back into the swing of things seems harder after the holidays.

  9. Don't cha just hate when you take the kiddos somewhere you love and they hate it. LOL

    I have a lovely award for you on my blog, my friend! You can pick it up whenever you'd like. :)


  10. I am very picky about where we eat out for that very reason! I am far too cheap to waste money:)


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!