Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Tuesday Beauty Tips!! Summer Beauty for Every Age!!

Have you changed your makeup routine to make it more warm weather friendly? If not, here are some easy ideas for you!!

Even though you are only in your 20s, it is crucial that you begin taking care of your skin and protecting it from sun damage. Start your makeup routine with a tinted moisturizer. Look for one that is long lasting and has an SPF of at least 15. Once you have applied your tinted moisturizer, fake your summer glow with a bronzer,  All fabulous 20 year olds should not hit the beach without the perfect pink gloss! This season, poppy pinks and fuchsias are all the rage and are a huge help to instantly intensify tans.

For summer 2010, women in their 30s should go for a eye-catching bronze eye. Once again, start with a quality tinted moisturizer and then apply a cream shadow and liner.  Once your eyes are bronzed and gorgeous, 30 year olds should not be afraid to take a risk when reaching for that perfect blush. This season, pinks and peaches are carrying through spring into summer and are a great alternative to using bronzer all over your face. Lastly, this season, I am all about a nude or natural gloss applied liberally   throughout the day.

It’s all about moisture, moisture, moisture!   Next use a more highly pigmented bronzer than your wore in your 20s and 30s - Then find your perfect mascara and summer 2010 is the time to do this!  Find one that is waterproof and helps you create the lashes you wish you were born with - whether you want extra length, more volume, or both.   I recommend one HERE.  A great mascara paired with a perfect bronzer and a gloss in the red family makes you look like you spent hours doing your makeup, instead, you can spend the extra time frolicking on the beach looking refreshed and glowing!

It’s all about smoothing out fine lines, wrinkles and creating drop dead gorgeous cheekbones!  And  because you may need a little extra coverage, I recommend pairing your tinted moisturizer with a bit of your favorite foundation.  Next, apply a cream bronze stick right under your cheekbone line and rub it in with your fingers in an upward motion, followed by a similar product in a true pink for a flush of instant color at the apple of your cheek. Then, to make eyes pop, look for a cream shadow that won’t cause your lids to appear creased.  Lastly, look for a shade of gloss that is a little matte and generously apply, especially in the pout for instant, fuller lips. 

Have fun, as summer is a great time to try something new - but, just remember sunscreen and the right    gloss are always in style!!


  1. thanks for all the info. sunscreen is very impt. have a good day. rose

  2. Thanks for the head's up on the mascara, Java. I wear glasses and when I take them off people are surprised how big my eyes are. I need all the help I can get making my eyes and lashes bigger.


  3. In my 20s, thanks for the tips. I keep things super simple. Chapstick, gel eyeliner, and oil free SPF moisturizer most days- if even that. And I agree- sunscreen is paramount!

  4. thank u for the tips

  5. I have never used a bronzer, I will have to give that a try! Great tips as always!

  6. Hi Java! Thank you for these beauty tips. I need to wear mascara! I never wear it. Maybe I will go out and buy some. Have a great week!

  7. I love summer makeup -- bronzer and mascara. It just doesn't take much to look a bit better. :)

    I'm a farm girl too, living on the orginal homestead of the family farm (although my husband doesn't farm it. My dad does). It's a wonderful thing!

  8. I always love beauty tips. I wear a 90 sunscreen on my face and my favorite drugstore lip gloss...and mascara...blonde eyelashes just disappear!

  9. That's some great advice!

    New follower here from Follow Friday. Would love to welcome you to my place. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner?


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