Thursday, March 3, 2011

A Whole Lot Of Something!

Did you ever sit down to write a post and while your head is full of thoughts, nothing comes out when you type?  I had a million things to blog about...until I logged in and positioned my hands on the keyboard only to find my fingers not moving because I couldn't think of a single thing!  I'm only human and while I'm far from perfect will openly admit when I draw a blank. 

It could be because my head is so full of all the new things I'm learning at work that when I come home I don't want to think anymore!  So how is work you might ask?  It is going somewhat good.....somewhat because while I am thoroughly enjoying my co-workers which is huge....the work that I am "learning" is very challenging.  

As it turns out 5 of us were hired at the same time and they "choose" to give 2 of us (myself) included a very complicated job that is going to takes weeks of training.  While I'm flattered that they feel that I am capable of doing this job I'm also over-whelmed in all the details and responsibilities that it entails.  The girl that is training us said that it will take awhile for us to learn it all so I'm trying not to stress too much about it.  I definitely don't regret my decision to leave my other job and know that I made the right decision.

In other news, we booked our family vacation!  We are going to the Riviera Maya, Mexico in June for a week!  We have never been there and are super excited about it!  I won't have enough vacation time saved by then, so I will have 2 days unpaid but it will be worth it for sure!!  Our wedding anniversary is in April and we will be married for 25 years so we may renew our vows when we are there! 

Ozzie the cat's asthma seems to be getting worse! If anyone has a cat with asthma please let me know how you treated yours and if you have any tips!!

Just so you know, I am reading all of your blogs!!  While I may not have time to comment on everyone's I am reading them!  Thank you guys again for being such great friends and for being so understanding!!!  We have a wonderful community here don't we?


  1. ok question
    is it allergic to cat hair?
    just asking

  2. Sounds like you have been SUPER busy....the family vacation sounds dreamy!! Good for you:)

  3. Lynette: I don't know! I don't know what he is allergic too. I wish I did!

  4. oh yes, i've been there. i'd start a post and my thoughts would go on and on.

    i've been debating about changing jobs. i'm at a point where i'm unmotivated in my current one, but i'm so scared i might not be able to find a new one. good luck on your new job and i'm sure you'll learn everything you have to know in no time.

  5. I'll write a fantastic post in my head while lounging in bed in the morn before I convince myself to get up....then when I get to the keyboard..."poof" it's gone.
    So frustrating!
    I'd be scared to death to try something new at my age. Kudos to you!

  6. Glad you are still liking the new job! Sucks that there is more training and more responsibility but eventually it will be second nature. Have a great weekend!

  7. You certainly do have a wonderful community here!

    I remember being the new girl and my head being stuffed full of new things to remember in a new job. It can be overwhelming at the time.

    Good to hear from you.


  8. congrats on the new job, so glad it's working out for you -- and them! And am SOOOOO jealous about mexico. This winter pushed me over the edge!

  9. I am so glad that you are enjoying your new job. While it may be stressful, always better to be over challenged than under. You are going to LOVE Mexico. I was in the same area about 2 years ago, and had a blast!

  10. So glad to hear that you are still happy to have changed jobs! I too have been anxious to blog because of much to say and then it goes away or is just too jumbled to make sense.
    I check on you and hope the job gets better and better!

  11. wow im exhausted formreading you have been busy

  12. Think of it as a way to keep your mind young! Your kitty is gorgeous. I've never had one with asthma but I'll ask my BFF- if she has info I'll pass it on to you!

  13. I do not know if it would help with asthma but Cecil carries the herpes virus and when he has an attack he gets cold like symptoms. He sneezes and shoots out green snot from his cute button nose...ewwwww!
    We use L Lysine capsules. I sprinkle the powder over his food and it boosts his immune system. Another thing would be a kitty nebulizer which the vet could give in a special crate.
    Good to hear your job is going well and I am sure in a month, or two, all your new duties will seem like a piece of cake!

  14. My mother's cat had asthma and is treated with prednisolone at the time of year she suffers most. Poor kitties.

  15. So glad the new job is working out. Congrats on the vacation. What a wonderful location to renew your wedding vows. Take lots of pics!

  16. Nice to see you Java... Give the job a chance.. my job entailed a boat load of training as well, and after one year I was thoroughly trained.. It gets better.. One day you'll look back at this post and laugh I'm sure.. OH, the vacation looks beautiful! I'm sorry about your cat.. I don't know how to cure it or what to do, but I will wish your kitty the best.. :)

  17. Congrats on the new job. I hope your cat gets better.

  18. Wow, just today I took my cat in because he hadn't eaten for a whole day and wasn't moving from the bed and it looked like he was having trouble breathing (which my husband thought it was odd that I could tell that, but I could) and the Vet said it sounded like Asthma - he gave him a medication and drew blood, we're supposed to go back tomorrow. We came home shaking our heads - a Cat with Asthma??? and now I see your post. My cats now up and around only a couple hours after he was given the meds - I'll ask tomorrow what he gave him.

  19. Glad to hear your new job is going well! It's always a bit overwhelming to start a new job, but it sounds like you're doing great! Your vacation sounds fantastic - and what a great idea to renew your wedding vows! Have a wonderful weekend!

  20. Java
    love your blog today...and I thought I was the only one who gets bloggers loss...hehe that is awesome on renewing your wedding vows :-)

    Hope you have a great weekend.

    Hugs n blessings

  21. It takes a lot of courage to change jobs. I'm glad you like your new co-workers and feel you made the right decision! Hang in there and take notes on learning your new job so you don't need to ask the same questions over and over which is extremely irritating to trainers.

    It might help to jot down your blog post ideas when you think of them too!

  22. Your blog is SO interesting and SO full of great information! I just started blogging..very new. I'm pissed that I'm only 39! Can't join your "club" until next year! :) Thanks for all you share...still have SO much more to read on your blog! Follow me at Your support would be greatly appreciated! :)

  23. I am so glad you like your new job!!
    Your vacation sounds great. Makes me think I should plan a fun one. We take plenty visiting family.


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!