Thursday, December 9, 2010

Chicken Puffs Recipe!!

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Here is my recipe for Chicken Puffs!  They are a huge hit in my household and are especially Venti's favorite!!
If you like crescent rolls, cream cheese and chicken, you will love these!!

Keep in mind that I make this for 5 of can cut the recipe in half if you think its too much!

3 lbs fresh chicken tenderloins
2 packages 8 oz. cream cheese (softened)
3 packages of 8 count crescent rolls
Salt and Pepper

Put chicken tenderloins in a casserole dish or pan and cover with water.  Bake at 350 degrees until done...approximately 45 minutes.

Drain the water and cut the chicken up into small pieces.  Add the cut up chicken to the softened cream cheese.

Add salt and pepper to taste...sprinkle in chives (use as many or as little as you like..but don't skip them!)....add just enough milk make the mixture creamy....approximately 3 tablespoons.  Don't add too much!  Start off with 2 tablespoons and then you can always add more.  You don't want it runny!

Put a spoonful onto each crescent roll.  Crescent rolls work best when sat out for a little instead of when they are cold right out of the fridge.  If I forget to do this then I just take them out of the can and put all 8 into the microwave for 10 seconds...just enough time to take the "cold" out of them.

Fold up the sides to seal in all three sides.  Don't leave any gaps or the creaminess will run out when they are baking.

Put them on a cookie tray and bake at 325 degrees until golden brown!

They smell so delicious when they are baking and they taste so yummy when they are done!!

If you make these please let me know how they turned out!!


  1. Oh my... these look absolutely amazing!! I just might have to make them soon!!

  2. Yummy! Those look delicious! BTW, since you have all those boys, I need some good boy gift ideas--one for a college graduation and 4 for Christmas--2 of them are in college and 2 are age 31. It's difficult for someone who raised 4 daughters!

  3. I sure hope you're feeling better!

  4. Oh, those sound yummy! I think I could actually make those and have them turn out. Yea!!

  5. These looks good! I needed a new recipe for this sunday. I'm going to try them out!

  6. Those look so good! I just have to try them out on my family!
    Glad you are feeling better.

  7. Thanks Java! I am definitely going to try this. I'm always looking for something new to do with chicken.

  8. I'm going to try this out for a party I'm going to tomorrow!

    Hugs & love,

  9. That sounds great and I like easy recipes! Thanks for posting!


  10. your recipe looks too good and very easy. will try to make this take care rose

  11. My best friend makes something like this at Christmas time (the only time she cooks), but she wraps them in puff pastry. It is to die for.

  12. These DO look YUMMY!! I'll have to try them SOON! ;D Thanks!

  13. Just added the ingredients to my shopping list! I'll try these this weekend...we're anticipating a huge snow storm :)

  14. Just wanted to come back and let you know that I made the chicken puffs last night and they were a big hit. Everybody loved them! Thanks again.

  15. I have a question of clarification. Do you pre-cook the chicken? The recipe sounds so yummy.

  16. Looks Delish!!! Following from MBC!!

  17. oh my...these look delicious! we love chicken and cream cheese, so this will be a hit, am sure!
    bookmarked :)

    ...and a new follower. :)

  18. Oh my gosh! This looks amazing. I think I'm going to have to make these for dinner tomorrow night.

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