Thursday, January 20, 2011

Emergeny - Easy Pass!

They are starting to know me on a first name basis at the ER.  I seem to frequent there lately!  Maybe they have Easy Pass!  Friday morning I woke up around 3:00am with severe stomach pains.  I tried Gas X, Tums...nothing worked.  It got worse and worse...finally around 4:30am I called Joe to come home from work and take me to the hospital...he didn't answer his phone!  Finally around 5:00am he answered and by then I could hardly talk!  I managed to tell him that he needed to come home asap!  He got home around 5:20am and he took one look at me and said we needed to go to the ER.  He helped get me dressed and out the door we went.  I could hardly walk and he had to get a wheelchair when we got there.

I didn't sit there very long and they took me back...but then I laid there for what seemed like forever...apparently they were on change of shift and so I had to wait.  In the meantime, the nurse put an IV in and took about 6 vitals of blood.  I had to go to the bathroom from all the IV fluids they were putting in me and shortly after that I started to feel better.

The doctor finally came in around 7:30am and said that all my bloodwork looked good except for one tiny thing with my liver and thought that I had a gallstone!  I said that I was feeling better after I went to the bathroom and she said that it probably passed.   She sent me for an ultrasound which did show that I had a gallstone!   I was at the hospital till around 11:00am...went home and got something to eat and then went in to work for 1/2 day because I had just been off that Tuesday with the flu!  I didn't feel good but I had to go in.

Speaking of work.  I have decided to take the new job!!  I am giving my 2 week notice on Monday and have a feeling that its not going to go over so well.  My boss is located at our main office which is over an hour away so I have decided to type up an email and send it to her vs. calling her because that way I can say all I need to say and I want them to know that I'm not leaving because of personal reasons, but because its a better opportunity.  I have thought long and hard about this and feel that I am ready to be done with the responsibilities of the manager duties.  I really would much rather be a stay at home mom, but that is not possible for me right now.

I am looking forward to my new job and just hope and pray that I made the right decision.  Which me luck!!  I will keep you posted!


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your trip to the emergency.It's never pleasant.

    Good luck in your new job and feel better!

  2. ER's are never fun and time seems to always stand still while you're there.. Sorry you had to go through that but happy you're back home!

    See... you followed your heart and made the decision that best suits you. I'll be looking forward to hearing all the great things that you'll be doing at your new job!

  3. Glad it was nothing too serious and that you are feeling better.

    Good luck with your new job.

  4. hope you are on the mend and feeling better! Good luck with the new job and writing that email!


  5. Hope your gallstone passes soon. Good luck with the new job (and the resignation of this one).

  6. When u said the pain went away after the fluids, I had a feeling it was a gallstone!. Do u ever have a dull moment in your life? glad u made the decision on the job...Best of luck... Hope to see a post from u telling us u have no new news!. LOL

  7. Glad you are feeling better. I had a Gallstone too, but had it operated out. It should be something you should look in to, because Gallstones come back, even if that one passed.
    Glad you could make a decision about the new job and hope you enjoy your work there!

  8. Ouch about the gallstone and glad you're better.

    Good luck with the new job, may God bless your decision.

  9. So glad you're feeling better. I know EXACTLY what that feels like. Not fun.

    Congrats on taking a leap in a new direction. I think sometimes when we have a decision, it matters more that we MADE the choice than which choice we made. It's up to you turn it into the right one.

  10. Yikes! Sounds scary and painful. Hope you feel better FAST.


  11. Feel better soon. Congrats on making your decision. Keeping my fingers crossed that it works out for the best!

  12. Congrats on the new job Java!! Sorry to hear about your frequent ER visits. Hopefully things will calm down for you healthwise now. Happy New Year!!

  13. Boo on the ER visit but congrats on the new job!

  14. Sounds like you needed an 'easy pass'. Pun intended. :)

    Hope you feel 100% soon and good luck with the job situation!

  15. Oh, sweetie, I'm glad it wasn't something more serious, that you're feeling better.
    The new job: praying that God will give you peace about the decision you made and that things will go well for you until your 2 weeks are up. Keep us in the loop about the new one. blessings, k

  16. How scary to have felt this way and then not be able to get ahold of help. What a relief that the problem cleared up...

    New reader here, so curious to see what the new job entails.

  17. Gosh! I'm sorry to hear about your ER woes! That stinks!

    About the job, go forward and enjoy! Never look back!

  18. I'm hoping that's the last of your ER trips, Java. I LOVE the show ER (wish it went on forever), but it's okay - you don't need to entertain me with more ER stories. I hope everything goes great with your new job!
    (((Hugs))), Deb

  19. OMG Gallstone pain in the worst. Been there done that, but I had my gallbladder removed. I'm glad it was just a short time for the pain, but what you must have went through. You poor thing. You need to take better care of you! Well, remember as far as your job goes the Lord will give you nothing you can't handle. I'm sure whatever happens now it's fate, and I wish you the best.

  20. stones of any kind suck! (I am a producer of kidney stones, and there are 4 sitting in my left kidney right now) I am so happy to hear you are feeling better and I am glad you have taken a job with less stress (management = stress)

    Best of luck on this new endeavor!
    Happy New year!

  21. Gall (and kidney...)stones are VERY painful and can be EXTREMELY serious. Mine nearly killed me and put me in the hospital for over a week with pancreatitis and removing the gall bladder. So glad yours passed and that they looked further to verify that there weren't more ready to reak havoc on your body. WHEW!! ...and you went back to work??? What a WOMAN!!

    As for the job... less stress is ALWAYS a good thing!


  22. Java, job changes can be very stressful, but also invigorating! Wishing you all the best!

  23. I had my galbladder out a couple of years ago, may me feel WAY better. Good luck at the new hook up.

  24. So glad you are feeling better -- I've heard those can be incredibly painful. Good luck with the new job!

  25. Yep, have done the gall bladder stuff too. Eventually, you will need that thing out. Unfortunately for me, I had kidney stones at the same time of having a gall bladder attack. NO FUN!!!

    Glad the job is going to be good for you.
    Be happy with the decision you ave made because it is probably the best and right one.

    Peace...Naila Moon

  26. I am sure you will love your new job! So glad you are feeling better!

  27. Good luck! From your previous post, I think you are making the right decision... your new company will be so lucky to have you. I am amazed how you went to work after such an ordeal, especially knowing you are planning on leaving. As a manager, I know firsthand, people like you don't come around every day. Be prepared for your current position to try and make you stay...I am sure they realize your characteristics are not the norm.


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