Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Daily Happenings!

I hope all of you had a really nice Thanksgiving!  I sure did!  Lots of family and lots of food!  Sure makes for a great day!

Here is a recap of the days of my life since last Wednesday!
  • Joe, Short and I headed out searching for our first live Christmas tree in 10 years!  I was very excited to have a real tree again!  We haven't had a real one in such a long time because the last one that we got we had it all up and decorated...about 2 week later we see some weird "things" on the ceiling...upon closer inspection we find that these weird "things" were spiders!  The tree had a nest of spiders in it and they made a huge spider web above the tree and on the ceiling!  YUCK!  We took the whole tree...ornaments and all and threw it outside!  It took me this many years to try another one!!
  • Found the perfect tree!  I inspected it for spiders....appears to be all clear!
  • Tree is up!  Decorations on!  Check!
  • Thanksgiving day was great!  Everyone was at my parents house...both my sisters and their familes, Venti and Mocha...my in-laws...it was a lot of fun!

All the Grandkids!

The adult table!

My in-laws

My parents

My sisters

Venti and Mocha

Joe and I

  •  We got home from my parents house about 8pm.  We had looked over the Black Friday ads all day and knew where we needed to go....Walmart.....we had to do what we had to do!
  • We laid down and tried to get a couple of hours of sleep but neither one of us did.  We got up at 12:15am, got dressed and headed to Walmart.  We got there at 12:30am and they handed out maps of the store and showed where you needed to go for what item.  We headed to the food section where they had 32" TV's on sale for $198 (for Short).....when we found the line, it was already down one whole isle!  Joe was number 44 in line and they only had 100 TV's....at 12:30am and the sale didn't start until 5:00am so that meant standing in line for 4 1/2 hours!  I said that I better go find where the laptops (for Tall...$198!) were because I was going to wait in that line.  After wadding through the crowd I found the line that was already in 2 isles over near the Health and Beauty section.  I get in line and find that I am number 63 and they only have 66 laptops!   I called Joe and told him what number I was and he couldn't believe it!
  • After about 2 hours of standing in line I've bonded with everyone around me....after all what else can you do in the middle of the night...impatiently waiting!
  • 3:00am and they decide the better "re-count" the people in line.  They get to me and I'm number 70!  Remember...they only have 66 laptops!  I start freaking out and so does the 4 people in front of me that thought they were getting a laptop!   
  • Another re-count...opps they counted wrong...I'm still number 63...whew!
  • My butt is numb from trying to find something soft to sit on....I tried a package of Depends....nope...a package of Always maxipads....a littler better.....I make a bathroom run (they allow you to go and you only get 10 minutes to go and get back!) and grab a pillow on my way back....success!  But by then I think my behind was so numb that I couldn't feel anything anyhow!
  • 5:00am....omg finally...I begin to think I'm going crazy!
  • They have 1 register going for the 66 laptops.  Nice!  I'll be here another hour.
  • 6:00am...yep....just checked out.  Joe paid for the TV an hour ago.  TV and laptop in hand...success!
  • 6:20am.  Breakfast time!  We get to our favorite restaurant and I order pancakes.  I was so hungry from being up all night...I didn't even have a drink while waiting in line!
  • 6:30am....these pancakes suck!  I've never had worse pancakes!  I eat them anyhow because I was so hungry!
  • 7:00am....bedtime!!
  • 2:00pm...Joe and I both wake up....can't believe its 2:00pm!  Half the day is gone!
  • 6:30pm.  We meet friends of our for dinner that we haven't seen since last year.  It was great seeing them and dinner was delicious!  I had cheese ravioli!
  • 10:00pm.  Is it bedtime yet??  How can I be tired when I just got up at 2:00pm??
I had to work Saturday....blah!  As you know from my JOB my boss quit and it was just me and the part-timer...well it ended up that I had to fire the part-time because she was getting "high" on her lunch break...and announcing it when she got back....not good...she had to go....so then that left me working by myself for the past month!  I just hired a girl that starts tomorrow....yippee!  Once she is trained I won't have to work so much!  I've been putting in 45-50 hours a week!  That plus run a family doesn't leave much free time!  I'm hopping things get better once the new girl starts.  Then yesterday I get a letter in the mail from the PA State Department of Revenue for a job!  I definitely can't pass that up!  I have to call to set up an interview....wish me luck!

Saturday afternoon Joe, Short and I made some really cute Christmas ornaments!  I'll do a post on Thursday about it!

Sunday Joe and I put the outside Christmas lights up!  Another check on my list.  Now I just have to put the inside decoration up....and clean the bathrooms...not sure which one I want to tackle first!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Meet Me on Monday!!

Welcome to the 24th edition of 
"Meet Me On Monday!"

Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?"  I know them...but yet I don't know them!  I want to know who the person is behind all those words so I thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other!

Every Sunday I will post five get to know you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!

"Its a great way to to meet new friends and for others to get to know me better....one Monday at a time!!!"....as quoted by the Chacogirl!! I will make this SIMPLE and FUN!!!

I will add a linky so we can follow who participates and get to know them better!!  Be sure to link the POST and not just your whole blog!


1.  What is your favorite way to eat chicken?
2.  Have you decorated for Christmas yet?
3.  What is your favorite article of clothing?
4.  Do you pay your bills online or write checks the old fashion way?
5.  Do you make Christmas cookies?
My Answers!

1.  What is your favorite way to eat chicken?
      Chicken fingers dipped in ranch sauce!  Yum!!

2.  Have you decorated for Christmas yet?

      We have the tree up but that is it!  We are going to put the outside decorations up tomorrow and I will be decorating the inside sometime next week!

3.  What is your favorite article of clothing? 

     My slippers!!

 4.  Do you pay your bills online or write checks the old fashion way?

      Online!  There are just  couple that I can't pay online and I sure wish I could!  Makes it much easier!

5.  Do you make Christmas cookies?

     I do if I have the time.  I usually make Peanut Butter and Soft Sugar Cookies.  Tall and I will go to my Mom's house where her and my sister and Tall and I spend a whole day making Sand Tarts (Christmas cut out cookies).

Time to link up and meet!!

This is a blog hop so if you want to put the linky on your post just click the "Get the Code" at the bottom of the linky.

Your link MUST include your Meet Me On Monday post or it will be deleted!

Also PLEASE either put the Meet Me On Monday button in your post or link your post back to me.  I have found several people just posting the questions and answers in their post and no one knows that they actually belong to a meme and linky! 

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Follow Friday 40 and Over!!

Welcome to the 27th edition of the  
Follow Friday 40 and Over!! 

Are you a blogger over 40? Yeah, welcome to the club!
Please join in the fun and get to know your fellow bloggers!!

Congratulations to my friend Cheryl at "CMash Loves To Read"

CMash Loves to Read”=

Her blog was randomly selected from the participants of last  Friday's Blog Hop
to be the featured blog this week!!

She holds the #2 Hot Spot this week. Make sure you show her some love and follow her blog.

As a special gift, if your blog is selected and you do not have a blog button, I will make one for you!!!  Plus I will add your button to my Awesome Blogs  page!!

Maybe you will get selected next time!  Wouldn't it be great to have your blog showcased here!!!
Good luck to all!

The RULES to join in are very simple!

1. Grab the button
2. Add your link to the list
3. Visit as many other blogs as you can
4. Follow the ones you like (and comment on their blog to say that you are following)

NOTE:  PLEASE leave your blog address when you leave a comment!!  I have had several people wanting to follow back but the blogger can't always be found through the google info page!!

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up  each week for new participants to find your blogs. It will be visible all week to visit  the blogs listed.

While you are here, make sure you check out the
Over 40 Blogger List!!

Be sure to join if you haven't already!


Happy Thanksgiving!

During this holiday season, we take time to appreciate all of the good things we have in life!!!
I hope all of you and families have a very wonderful Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving

I have my  corn in the oven, my dessert (homemade cookies) is ready and I will be leaving soon to walk the 30 steps next door to my parents house where a crowd of 22 will gather all day to feast on good food and great company all day!

Then tonight Joe and I will head out at midnight for our day of Black Friday shopping in hopes to get the bulk of our shopping done.  We will stop for breakfast in the morning where I'm already thinking about having these delicious pancakes at one of our favorite restaurants!   Then we will go home an nap a couple of hours and then head out to get our Christmas tree!  After that we have dinner plans with a friend of mine that I have been friends with since the 7th grade and I haven't seen her and her husband since last year so I am really looking forward to it!

Have a great day everyone and Follow Friday 40 and Over will still be posted this evening!!  See you then!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A New Beauty Tip and My Baked Corn Pudding Recipe!!

I am 20 again!  Okay well not really...but close!  I have found the best facial product yet!  I have been using this for about a month now and I'm telling you that my wrinkles are disappearing!  Yep!  This stuff really works!  I am not being paid to say this...I am really just amazed at the results!  What is it?

Positively Ageless with Multidefense Daily Moisturizer with SPF 42!!

See reduced appearance of lines and wrinkles in just 4 weeks with the Multidefense Daily Moisturizer. It provides multiple layers of defense to help protect and reveal younger, more vibrant-looking skin with natural antioxidants to help fortify skin, skin conditioning emollients for softer, smoother skin, broad-spectrum sunscreen to defend against both aging UVA and burning UVB rays and SPF 42 for high-level protection against sunburn. This elegant formula contains olive leaf and Natural Shiitake Complex to enhance the youthful look of skin.
 Give it a try!!  It is my favorite facial product that I've tried so far!

Now for my Baked Corn Pudding Recipe!  I do not have pictures to go with it because I won't make it until Thanksgiving day!  I wanted to share the recipe with you in case you want to make it for your Thanksgiving dinner!

Baked Corn Pudding

1/2 cup sugar
4 tablespoons all-purpose flour
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
3 teaspoons salt
8 large eggs
3 pints whipping cream
1/2 cup melted butter
2 lbs frozen corn

  • Combine first 4 ingredients and set aside.
  • Beat eggs with a fork in a large bowl; stir in whipping cream...1 pint at a time...add melted butter.  Gradually dry ingredients...stirring until smooth; stir in corn.  Pour mixture into a greased (use Pam non-stick baking spray) large baking dish/pan.  I use a 15 x 11 pan.
  • Bake at 350 degrees for about an hour or until deep golden and mixture is set.  Let stand 5 minutes before serving.
  • Enjoy!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Meet Me on Monday!!

Welcome to the 23rd edition of 
"Meet Me On Monday!"

Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?"  I know them...but yet I don't know them!  I want to know who the person is behind all those words so I thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other!

Every Sunday I will post five get to know you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!

"Its a great way to to meet new friends and for others to get to know me better....one Monday at a time!!!"....as quoted by the Chacogirl!! I will make this SIMPLE and FUN!!!

I will add a linky so we can follow who participates and get to know them better!!  Be sure to link the POST and not just your whole blog!


1.  How many pillows do you sleep with?
2.  Where will you eat on Thanksgiving?
3.  Would you rather go to a party or host a party?
4.  How many purses (for the guys..wallets) do you own?
5.  What is your favorite kind of seafood?

My Answers!

1.  How many pillows do you sleep with?
      One!  I have one of those egg crate pillows that I can't sleep without!  I take it whenever I am sleeping somewhere else!

2.  Where will you eat on Thanksgiving?

      My parents house right next door!!!  We always go there.  I will be making my Baked Corn dish and I will share the recipe with you!  I will post that on Tuesday in case you want to make it too!   My in-laws will also be eating there as well as both my sisters and their families....20 people total!

3.  Would you rather go to a party or host a party? 

     Definitely go to a party!  It seems like whenever we have a party at our house, no one ever wants to leave!  My sister is the biggest culprit.  She seriously does not know when to leave.  She would stay all night if she had her own way.  Do you have anyone that does that when they come to your house?

 4.  How many purses do you have?

      I am not a purseaholic!  I have probably 10-15 but only use a handful.  I get one that I like and use it for awhile and then its hard to find one that I like as much as the last one I used so I don't change my purse very often.

5.  What is your favorite kind of seafood?

     Shrimp!  I love shrimp cooked just about any way!  Steamed, fried, broiled!  Yum!!

Time to link up and meet!!

This is a blog hop so if you want to put the linky on your post just click the "Get the Code" at the bottom of the linky.

Your link MUST include your Meet Me On Monday post or it will be deleted!

Also PLEASE either put the Meet Me On Monday button in your post or link your post back to me.  I have found several people just posting the questions and answers in their post and no one knows that they actually belong to a meme and linky! 

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Saturday Funnies....

Two cowboys from Texas walk into a roadhouse to wash the trail dust from their throats. 

They stand at the bar drinking and talking about current cattle prices.

Suddenly, a woman at a nearby table, who is eating a sandwich, begins to cough. After a minute or so, it becomes apparent that she is in real distress. 

One of the cowboys looks at her and says, "Kin ya swaller?" The woman shakes her head, no. "Kin ya breathe?" The woman begins to turn blue and shakes her head. The cowboy walks over to the woman, lifts up the back of her dress, yanks down her panties, and runs his tongue all over her butt cheeks in a circular motion. The woman is so shocked, that she has a violent spasm and the obstruction flies out of her mouth. 

As she begins to breathe again, the cowboy walks slowly back to the bar and takes a drink from his beer. 
His partner says, "Ya know, I'd heard of that there 'Hind Lick Maneuver,' but I ain't never seen nobody do it."

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Follow Friday 40 and Over!!

Welcome to the 26th edition of the  
Follow Friday 40 and Over!! 

Are you a blogger over 40? Yeah, welcome to the club!
Please join in the fun and get to know your fellow bloggers!!

Congratulations to my friend Naila at "Out of the Blue...a story, a poem or two"

Her blog was randomly selected from the participants of last  Friday's Blog Hop
to be the featured blog this week!!

She holds the #2 Hot Spot this week. Make sure you show her some love and follow her blog.

As a special gift, if your blog is selected and you do not have a blog button, I will make one for you!!!  Plus I will add your button to my Awesome Blogs  page!!

I hope you like your button Nalia!!

Maybe you will get selected next time!  Wouldn't it be great to have your blog showcased here!!!
Good luck to all!

The RULES to join in are very simple!

1. Grab the button
2. Add your link to the list
3. Visit as many other blogs as you can
4. Follow the ones you like (and comment on their blog to say that you are following)

NOTE:  PLEASE leave your blog address when you leave a comment!!  I have had several people wanting to follow back but the blogger can't always be found through the google info page!!

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up  each week for new participants to find your blogs. It will be visible all week to visit  the blogs listed.

While you are here, make sure you check out the
Over 40 Blogger List!!

Be sure to join if you haven't already!


Judge Judy Part 2

In case you missed PART 1.

I wanted to wait until Joe woke up (he works nights) so that both of us could discuss this together with Tall so I impatiently waited for him to get up....

1:00pm- His normal waking time.....still sleeping...

2:00pm- He can't possibly still be sleeping!  Doesn't he know I need to talk to him??

3:00pm- Is he breathing up there??  Didn't the slamming of the microwave several times wake him?

3:30pm-Omg get up already Joe!

3:40pm-I heard the floor creak...yes!

3:43pm-"Why did you sleep this long?" "We have a problem!!"

Joe:  I had over-time.

Me: Oh...Agrah!

Joe:  So what is going on?

Me:  Well Tall slept at Kelsey's house and said that he was sleeping at Brian's.

Joe:  I thought it sounded odd that he was sleeping at Brian's.

Me:  Me too...that's why I started checking about found out!

Joe:  How?

Me:  I looked at the phone records!

Joe:  Ohhhhhh.....ummm.

Me:  We need to talk to him.

So we go to the family room and call for Tall.  He sits down with an obvious attitude.....oh no he doesn't!

We argued with him for at least an hour....

We didn't get anywhere....

Tall seemed to think that he didn't do anything wrong...

Tall walked away in a huff....

We sat there stressed out...

Tall didn't look at us or talk to us the rest of the day...

He didn't talk to us the next day either...

On Tuesday I said that we needed to talk...again..

Tall starts off by saying that he was sorry and that he would never do it again....

I asked him why he hasn't tried talking to us...he said we didn't try to talk to him!

He hugged us both and for a minute the world was okay again..

I would love to believe him and so I have to give him the benefit of the doubt...

Hopefully this story will end on Part 2 and Part 3 is never to be written...

You will be the first to know...


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday!!

Welcome to the 8th Edition of Wordless Wednesday!

Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed!!

Never Growing Old

My birthday present to Joe....he just got it last night!  His first one..and probably his last!

 Time to link up and meet!!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Judge Judy

8:45pm Saturday
Tall: Mom can I sleep at Brian's?  Joey is going to.

Me:  Brian who?

Tall:  Brian Jameson

Me:  I didn't know you talked to him anymore....but yes, I guess so.

11:30pm Saturday

Grande:  (just got home from work)....Where's Tall?

Me:  Sleeping at Brian's house.

Grande:  Brian?

Me:  Yes Brian....hummm....that does sound kinda odd...he doesn't talk to Brian anymore and he hasn't been to his house in 2 years!

10:00am Sunday
I look at our Verizon account online and look at who Tall has talked to last....if he really did sleep at Brian's house then he would have text his girlfriend Kelsey several hundred times...right?

Not one text after 9:00pm Saturday...that's over 12 hours and not one text to/from her.

Me:  (Texting Tall)....I am going to be driving past the Jameson's...should I pick you up?

Tall:  umm no we are going to church soon they will bring me home after that

Me:  U don't have clothes for church

Tall:  im just going as i am i always use to when i went with them

Me:  I can bring some over

Tall:  we already left its fine i'll be home around lie 12 12:15

Me:  U said u were leaving soon.  I'll text Carol (Brian's Mom) to make sure she doesn't mind u going like that

Tall:  nevermind they are dropping me off real soon im with joey not Carol!

Me:  Ur not telling the truth.  I'm calling Carol.

Tall:  mom what is your problem

Me:  U didn't stay @ Brian's!

Tall:  yes i did

Me:  Ok I'll call Carol to make sure

Tall:  why are you making this such a big deal you put a lot of trust into me

Me:  cause u r lying

Tall:  okay im with kelsey now that was the only thing i was lying about she got me earlier because we wanted to hangout before she had work

Me:  U r lying!  U did not stay @ Brian's cause I checked!  Get ur a** home cause u r grounded forever!

Tall:  how did u check?

Me:  Get home now!

Less then 5 minutes later and he walks through the door.  The look on his face was priceless....like wow how did she figure it out...and damn I'm busted!

Tall:  Okay..so I stayed at Kelsey's...what's the big deal??

Me:  Your 17!  You have no business staying at any girls house!!

Tall:  I've known her for a year and I didn't think it was that big of a deal!

Me:  Well it is! If its not that big of a deal then why did you lie about it?

Tall:  Because you would have never left me go!

Me:  So its better that you lied..and got caught and now your in big trouble?

Tall:  It was worth the risk. 

Me:  Worth the risk?  So you are grounded forever and you don't seem to care?  Where was her Mom?  Her sister?

Tall:  Her Mom is out of town and her sister was away for the night.

Me:  So you guys were home alone all night?

Tall:  Yes.  We didn't even sleep in the same bed together and we didn't have sex!  (hmmm really?  then what was all THIS about??)

Me:  Omg and you think its ok that you lied and slept there?

Tall:  Okay maybe I shouldn't have lied but you would have said no and I wanted to spend time with her because I love her.

Me:  Exactly!  So why do you think it was okay to do it then?

Tall:  I don't know but everyone lies.

Me:  But its not okay to lie...especially to your parents...and you said in your text about trusting you so how can I trust you now?

Tall:  I guess you can't.

Me:  Wow...you don't even seem to care that you lied and your not owning up to what you did!

Tall:  I'm going upstairs.

10 minutes later

Me:  (texting Tall who is upstairs)....How about if I tell Kelsey's Mom?

Tall:  Ok

Tall:  there.  I just broke up with her  I guess this will settle everything thanks the girl I love is no longer in my life

Me:  Don't blame me for ur mistakes

Tall:  ok well you can ground me forever but i now dont have the best thing in my life anymore

Me:  That's ur decision

Tall:  i cant date someone i cant see thanks really its fine

Me: Then u really don't love her cause I don't know anyone that breaks off a relationship because they r grounded!

Tall:  no its not the fact im grounded but its fine she is crying and there is nothing i an do dont worry about it mom and dont tell me who i love ever

Me:  What?  U r being ridiculous!  U don't care who u hurt!

Tall:  k mom

Me:  U brought this all on yourself and ur the only one that can fix it

Tall:  there is nothing to fix we are done now end of story

Me:  And again, u don't love her then and if u don't want to fix it then it is the end of the story

Tall:  i know its the end of the story

To be continued....

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Meet Me on Monday!!

Welcome to the 22nd edition of 
"Meet Me On Monday!"

Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?"  I know them...but yet I don't know them!  I want to know who the person is behind all those words so I thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other!

Every Sunday I will post five get to know you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!

"Its a great way to to meet new friends and for others to get to know me better....one Monday at a time!!!"....as quoted by the Chacogirl!! I will make this SIMPLE and FUN!!!

I will add a linky so we can follow who participates and get to know them better!!  Be sure to link the POST and not just your whole blog!


1.  Do you eat Sushi?
2.  What kind of bath soap do you use?
3.  How often do you talk to your Mom?
4.  What TV shows do you watch on a regular basis?
5.  Did you start Christmas shopping yet?

My Answers!

1.  Do you eat Sushi?
      Blah!  No!  I do not like sushi!  Neither does Joe or any of the boys.  I don't even like to watch someone eat it!

2.  What kind of bath soap do you use?

      I use Caress bar soap. My skin get so dry in the winter and it seems to help.  The only other soap I can use is Ivory because I get weird reactions in my lady parts from other soaps...I know..TMI!

3.  How often do you talk to your Mom? 

     I used to talk to my Mom everyday, but now that I am working so much I usually talk to her once a week....she lives next door so I don't have to go too far to find her!

 4.  What TV Shows do you watch on a regular basis?

      As you know I am a Reality Show junkie....so right now I am watching:

      Amazing Race, Survivor, Real Housewives of Atlanta, Kendra, Biggest Loser, Millionaire Matchmaker, Teen Mom and Desperate Housewives!

5.  Did you start Christmas shopping yet?

     I have!  So far I have bought my Dad a pair of lounge pants, a present for Short's teacher and 4 gifts for Short!  Anything I can check off on my list is a relief for me!  I do most of my shopping online so as soon as the boys give me....I mean Santa...their list, I will be shopping away!  Joe and I also go out on Black Friday and usually get most of it done then!

Time to link up and meet!!

This is a blog hop so if you want to put the linky on your post just click the "Get the Code" at the bottom of the linky.

Your link MUST include your Meet Me On Monday post or it will be deleted!

Also PLEASE either put the Meet Me On Monday button in your post or link your post back to me.  I have found several people just posting the questions and answers in their post and no one knows that they actually belong to a meme and linky!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Follow Friday 40 and Over!!

Welcome to the 25th edition of the  
Follow Friday 40 and Over!! 

Are you a blogger over 40? Yeah, welcome to the club!
Please join in the fun and get to know your fellow bloggers!!

Congratulations to my friend Patrice at "Everyday Ruralty"

Her blog was randomly selected from the participants of last  Friday's Blog Hop
to be the featured blog this week!!

She holds the #2 Hot Spot this week. Make sure you show her some love and follow her blog.

As a special gift, if your blog is selected and you do not have a blog button, I will make one for you!!!  Plus I will add your button to my Awesome Blogs  page!!

Maybe you will get selected next time!  Wouldn't it be great to have your blog showcased here!!!
Good luck to all!

The RULES to join in are very simple!

1. Grab the button
2. Add your link to the list
3. Visit as many other blogs as you can
4. Follow the ones you like (and comment on their blog to say that you are following)

NOTE:  PLEASE leave your blog address when you leave a comment!!  I have had several people wanting to follow back but the blogger can't always be found through the google info page!!

This list is new each week. The links do not carry over. Please link up  each week for new participants to find your blogs. It will be visible all week to visit  the blogs listed.

While you are here, make sure you check out the
Over 40 Blogger List!!

Be sure to join if you haven't already!


If you would like to add the linky to your own post, use the code below to copy and paste into your blog:

Follow Friday 40 and Over!!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

The Outdoor Wedding shots....

I have had numerous requests for more of the outdoor shots from the wedding....here they are and I promise not to bore you with any more after this!  :)

Click on any image to enlarge it

I also wanted to update you on me!  I have been working a TON!  I am now the only employee at my job!  I had to fire the other girl last week and now I'm all by myself.  I have been doing interviews all week and will be doing 2nd interviews on Friday so I'm hoping one of those work out!  I even have to work Saturdays 9-1...yes its overtime but I have been working 98 hours every two weeks...and taking care of the kids, the house, blogging....whew!  Joe does help out alot but there are just some things that Mom has to do!  Then Ozzie got sick yesterday and Joe had to take him to the vet.  He has some kind of virus and had to have fluids and antibiotics.  He had a temperature and some congestion.  So yes...I'm going a little crazy so I hope you hang in there with me!  Hearing from you guys is the best reward I can get!  Love you all!