Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Outdoor Wedding shots....

I have had numerous requests for more of the outdoor shots from the they are and I promise not to bore you with any more after this!  :)

Click on any image to enlarge it

I also wanted to update you on me!  I have been working a TON!  I am now the only employee at my job!  I had to fire the other girl last week and now I'm all by myself.  I have been doing interviews all week and will be doing 2nd interviews on Friday so I'm hoping one of those work out!  I even have to work Saturdays 9-1...yes its overtime but I have been working 98 hours every two weeks...and taking care of the kids, the house, blogging....whew!  Joe does help out alot but there are just some things that Mom has to do!  Then Ozzie got sick yesterday and Joe had to take him to the vet.  He has some kind of virus and had to have fluids and antibiotics.  He had a temperature and some congestion.  So yes...I'm going a little crazy so I hope you hang in there with me!  Hearing from you guys is the best reward I can get!  Love you all! 


  1. Beautiful photos!

    Here's hoping you get some rest this weekend!


  2. Hope everything turns out allright - and the pics are great!

  3. Lovely wedding pictures. And to think you're a grandmother already!

    Hang in there. Mom bloggers are generally good multi-taskers.

  4. The pictures are beautiful and I am so glad you continue to post them. The outside pictures are creative and Mocha's bouquet was perfect for a fall wedding. The picture in the church is breathtaking!

  5. very wonderful wedding photos!!!lovely couple

  6. Gorgeous photos! Hope you get a little de-stressing soon!

  7. HOLY COW Java! That is a lot to deal with! Don't let yourself get run down, okay? Drink some java! :)and make sure you're eating good so you don't get sick too! That's a lot to be taking on right now!

    I guess the blessing is a little extra money for Christmas?

    The pictures are great! I just can't believe you have them back already! It takes me 2-3 months to finish a wedding! But of course, I go crazy with the editing! lol

  8. Beautiful pictures!! You take care of yourself! You don't want to get sick.
    Have a great day!

  9. Beautiful pictures, and beautiful couple!

    Okay, so I'm not over 40, but my spirit is. Can I still play along? :) Love your blog here.

  10. my dear Java,
    these are awesome pictures!!
    I love your blog and would like to pass on a bloggie award to you...please come by and check out my blog?!


  11. They are both so BEAUTIFUL! I can only imagine what their babies will be like!

  12. Beautiful photos of a beautiful young couple.
    Hope that the work situation resolves itself soon for you!

  13. What a beautiful wedding and absolutely beautiful couple! Thank you for bringing them into our lives through your blog Java! Hopefully work will calm down a bit for you and hopefully it will calm down for me too once I hit Semester break (in about 4 weeks)! I'll celebrate it!

  14. All the photos are wonderful however, I especially love the wedding party shot (we did one like this for my sister's wedding). The flowers are fabulous!

  15. Beautiful!!

    Ummm... I'm trying to imagine working all those hours with the holidays aproaching. YIKES!! Good luck getting a good employee!! ;D You NEED IT!! ((HUGS))

  16. That dress is AMAZING! I might be a little partial because it is similar to the one I'll be wearing in February. She is beautiful.

    Good luck at your job!

  17. The wedding pictures are stunning! Thank you for sharing.
    Be sure to get some rest when you can, in between working! I will be praying that you can hire someone good to help you.

    God bless!!

    I also joined your blog hop for "Follow Me 40" for the weekend. :0)

  18. What beautiful photos and I love the bouquet, looks like a fantastic day xxx

  19. Those are some beautiful kids. Love the pictures thanks for sharing.

  20. The pictures are BEAUTIFUL! And you aren't boring us with them at all. They are just gorgeous!

    Hope you are taking care of yourself Java. I know a girl has to do what a girl has to do, but don't forget to find some time for yourself too. And I hope Ozzie is better soon!

  21. Hi sweet friend!

    I haven't been by much lately so it's been fun "catching up" with you. Life has gotten in the way for me. I had the breast cancer walk with lots of family in town, we had a horrendous death in the family and I was out of town twice for a few days. And now the holidays are coming fast and furious.

    Love seeing more photos from the wedding.



I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!