Wednesday, July 21, 2010

And so it's begun...

I decided to accept my new job offer and I started training on Monday, so for the last 2 days I have been traveling to the home office which is 1 1/2 hours away which makes for a long day!  Plus I haven't given notice to my other job yet because I had made prior commitments before accepting this position.  If you missed this post, you can see it HERE.....and boy oh boy is it a HUGE difference!  I have to stand for 8 hours which I have never done before and I am really having a tough time!  So much so that I don't know if I can do it or not!  I heard that it takes awhile to get use to standing but then I heard that some people cannot do it and I seriously don't know if I can!  I like the job so far...except for the standing and I don't know how to get past that!  I have on the proper shoes and even have compression socks and yet I feel like I've been hit by a truck!  Its not just my feet, its my legs, back, neck....oh my....I feel old!   I guess I have to give it time and see if I can do it or not!  If you have any pointers, please let me know!!

I am also having a rough time with being away from home for so long.  I miss doing the things that I did before.  Joe is a huge help and does alot of the cleaning, etc. but there are still things that I do and I'm not able to!  Plus I miss the kids...and Joe...and the cats!!  Oh boy....dilemma, dilemma!   Tomorrow I actually start the job and don't have to travel because its only about 8 minutes from my house.  I will let you all know how it goes!

I do apologize if I haven't visiting your blog in the last couple of days!  I will try and catch up with everyone later tonight!!


  1. I don't know if I could do the standing thing either. If you love the job, that might be the deciding factor on if you can tolerate the standing...

    Good Luck.

  2. Good luck and get some rest when you can.

  3. Good luck with the new job. I don't think I could stand for 8 hours a day but your body will probably adjust and get used to it in time.

  4. Giving you hugs from Brooklyn!
    Try taking 2 Aleve before you start work (just for the first few days.) It worked miracles on me when I was working at a Deli and had to stand for 8 hours. It is always hard getting used to something new. I will be rooting for you! :-)

  5. I do hope the standing for long hours does not last too long. here is something for you to do when you get home.
    Lie on the ground with your butt flush up against the baseboard and legs against the wall. Helps in circulation and to release tension in the lower back.
    Hope it helps!

  6. Changes are not easy, Java. Give it some time.
    I used to work in a large bookstore, I had to walk the length of it many times a day, my hips would hurt at the end of my shifts.

    They have special mats for those that stand for long periods of time. ( Cashiers ) that might help.

  7. Good luck. Hope things will work out.

  8. Oh goodness. Is this really what you want to do? I think that's the first question, Java.
    When I was working as a floor nurse at the children's hospital, it was usually my lower back and between my shoulder blades that hurt after long hours. When I came home, I'd get down on the floor on my stomach, and then draw my butt up into the air with my knees as close to my chest as I could get them, arching my back as much as possible. And the Aleve seemed to help too.
    Don't worry about us here. We'll muddle through on our own until you get settled. We WILL be thinking about and missing you.

  9. That is a long drive! And then to stand all that time. No way could I do it.
    Good luck with the new job :)

  10. It is tough, but trust me you do get used to it, and it makes sitting just that much more enjoyable. The missing home is something you cannot change or get used to, but now that you have three hours less travelling time in a day it may get better, keep us posted.

  11. I'm on my feet for 8+ hours daily, but not standing in one spot ....after almost 8 years of doing it I don't notice the pain anymore, and what pain I do have I blame on my fibromyalgia. However, I do fall into bed each night by seven ...hahahaha
    Good luck and keep us posted!

  12. I am a little out of the loop....but what is your new job?? It would be very very hard to stand for 8 hours. Do you get to move around??
    best of luck with all that.

  13. I'm asking the same question as Wendy. Can you move around? I used to dance 8 hours a day but that was moving and gave me no problems. uummm standing in one spot but I guess yogi's do it and on one leg. Oh and so do flamengos. Good luck

  14. *hugs* Best wishes for your new job. I hope you can adjust to standing for that length of time if you love the job. I don't think I could stand for eight hours but I have my mother's feet and way too much weight that I'm carrying. Candace

  15. I know that I never did get used to the retail job that I had in my 20s that was 8 hours of standing. Way too hard on the body. I hated it. I don't know what you will be doing, but I hope that it works out!!!

  16. As a teenager my very first Saturday job was working in a department store where I had to stand up all day and my feet would be so sore at the end of it - not sure I could do it now. Glad to hear you will not have that long commute from now on and I hope you enjoy the job, standing requirements aside and that it all works out.

  17. Can they provide some cushion for where you stand? Standing all day is absolutely the worst thing int he world for your back! I hurt just thinking of it - hope it goes well.

    And if nothing else - enjoy the new adventure!

  18. The standing is what would get me...Good luck in your new job

  19. Try to get some rest in between all of that running around! Awww... I miss my kitty when i'm away, too. It breaks my heart to leave him! :)

  20. Good luck at work! I've left you a little something on my blog today if you have time to accept. If not, just please know you are appreciated! :)

  21. Oh I wish you the best of luck.. I wanted to say Thanks for my Birthday wish..

  22. Good luck at this new juncture. I know how busy life can be and hard it is to keep up. Thanks so much for stopping by!

  23. Good luck. Hope things will work out.

  24. I know of one job that requires standing for about 8 hrs. and that is the job of a bank teller... My gf who has knee issues had to get a physician's note stating she needed to sit while working.. in the old days (70's) stools were allowed, now w/all the micromanaging nothing but the bare minimum is glad i am not in that industry...

  25. {{HUGS}} As the owner of a store, if it's a particularly busy day or everyone seems to need my personal attention, then I end up standing all day, but that is a rarity. Luckily I don't have to stand everyday and I don't think I could. On those rare days, I feel like "my feet hurt all the way to my knee's".

    Don't feel daughter who is almost half my age had to quit a job that required her to stand all day because medically her legs just could not do it. She has circulation issues and standing just put too much pressure on her body so her feet, ankles, and legs would swell from blood pooling, so she could stand for 8 hours.

    Don't feel like a failure if you end up not sticking with the new job...sometimes it just is not a right fit for you. At least you will have tried.

    I wish you the best in your decision. Elevate those tired feet and get a nice foot/back rub from your sweet hubs.


  26. What the hell is a McMamma??

    New followers via the TTT hop. Your site is great and you have a great gift for the"gab" as my Aussie friend says. Will be back often :)

  27. cong. on the new job. all new situations cause change. sounds like the husband is being helpful. that's good. no idea what to sugg. re standing up. hang in.

  28. I'm a preschool teacher and am on my feet A LOT! Are you allowed to wear sneakers? I've found that these sneakers help my back not get as tired so quickly.

    My primary care physician and my son's doctor also use them. They swear by it.

    Hang in there and keep the faith!


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!