Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Meet Dudley

Is he adorable or what??  He is Venti and Mocha's new baby Great Dane.  They just got him on Saturday. 

Newlyweds + a new puppy + a 2 bedroom apartment + Venti traveling to DC, Chicago and Colorado all within the next 6 months = fun??  Hmmm...should be interesting but he sure is adorable!!

Joe getting some puppy lovin

My turn!!

Thank you all again for all your heartfelt messages!  They really touched me and I am blessed to have some many wonderful bloggy friends!!

I have been trying to rest but find that being home makes me think of all kinds of things to do.I As you can see from the pictures I went to my Mom's house to see the puppy but she only lives next door.  I have been feeling a little better but it comes and goes.  I go to the ENT on Wednesday so hopefully they will find out what's going on inside my ears/head! 

I've been doing a lot of my shopping online and getting that done which is a relief...I still have things to buy but I'm making a dent in the list. 

Hope everyone is having a great week!!


  1. Awww...congrats on your new grand fur baby.


  2. What a cute puppy!!!

    Is your dizziness still bad? I hope you're getting some relief!

  3. That is one big puppy! :)
    Take it easy. I hope you find out something on Wednesday--something good! :)

  4. He is precious. Keep resting (if you can) and feel better soon.

  5. He is very cute! My best friend got a great dane puppy earlier this year. She's a lot of work, but it's so worth it. She's a great dog, & I'm sure Dudley will be just as awesome!

  6. Great Danes are awesome. Dudley is so cute!

  7. Super cute puppy. He's gonna be HUGE. But they say that Great Dane's are good apartment dogs because they don't need to run as much as higher energy dogs. Seems like a good choice for Venti and Mocha.

    I sure hope you're feeling better soon and that they can help you figure out what's wrong to get some relief.

    Congrats on getting through that shopping list!

  8. I was wondering how you were doing! What a cute little puppy. I'm sure he wont be little for long. Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Take care.

  9. He is too cute!

    Glad that you are feeling better. There are some positional exercises that you can find on the net which do help with re-aligning the crystals in the inner ear. I'm sure that the specialist will show you these.

  10. Great Dane pup? Looks like your son and daughter in law may have to find a house w/a yard...He's adorable...

  11. What a cute little puppy - and I hope you will be feeling better soon.

  12. OMG! That's just about the cutest little puppy I've ever seen! Too bad he's not going to stay little very long!
    Keep us posted on how you're doing!

  13. What a cutie! He will be the gentle giant and I can tell he will be getting a lot of loving. Hope you feel better soon. Take care.


  14. He's so cute, but so big for a puppy! Our two dogs are smaller than he is and they are fully grown. A Great Dane in an apartment! He's going to fill it up for sure.

  15. I can smell that sweet puppy breath right through the computer screen!!

    So cute and I am SO puppy hungry

  16. What a Sweet Puppy! He looks adorable! I Love Puppy breathe! Give Dudely a Big Hug for me!

  17. I had a black Great Dane and I never had her ears cropped. People were always stopping me and asking how a Laborador could get that big! lol

  18. it's hard to resist a puppy. hope you are ok rose

  19. Hi there. Thanks for the heads-up about the link. Is there anything I hafta' do besides answer the questions on my blog when you have Meet Me On Monday questions? I've been bloggin' for quite awhile, but I never have unnerstood exactly how the linking works.

    I so appreciate it that you followed up so I could learn to do it correctly. Thanks, again.

    I hope you are a'right. It sounds as if you're havin' some challenges. I'll keep you in my prayers. 'Wish I could send my doctor your way; he's the best. Take care.

    Hugs from
    ~ Yaya

  20. Totally adorable. Thanks so much for sharing. We're getting a new dog on Wednesday and I can't wait.


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!