Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Wordless Wednesday!!

Welcome to the 29th Edition of Wordless Wednesday!

Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed!

Never Growing Old
From a recent photo shoot!  I'm not sure if I like the black and white image, the one in the middle or the "antique" image!  What do you think?

Time to link up and meet!!

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  1. What beautiful pictures. I like the 2nd one the best too.

  2. Who am I to argue with the ladies. I vote for #2. You are a fabulous model.

  3. You are really HOT.. love the picture in Sepia.

  4. They are all beautiful. I have to say the warm glow of the second photo adds the WOW factor.

  5. They're all great, but I really like the middle one!!

  6. Lovely photos!
    (I only use blogger to comment)

  7. Beautiful photos, but my favorite is the black and white.

    Hugs sweet friend,

  8. They are all beautiful! But I pick the black and white as my favorite.
    Well Im going to go hunt up a picture and try not to write. lololol

  9. WOW! I mean DAM Girlfriend! I should be so lucky to be so HOT! How do you do it? Your hubby must me the happiest man in the world, and dam proud! I love all the pics! I like both 1 & 2. The last one looks like it's an old photo in a way. Have a great day! I think I'll go do some push-ups or something!!!

  10. Oh wow, those are stunning! YOU are stunning! I think my favorite is the #2 - yep, definitely the #2

    Linking up today - thanks for hosting :)


  11. my first time to link in...hope I did it right! love that photo...all of them!

  12. I love the second one!

    Thanks for hosting!

  13. I am torn between the first two -- but I if I HAD to choose -- #2 for sure! GAWGEOUS!!

  14. You look wonderful to be forty.. better than some of my twenty something friends. I would definitely say that the middle one looks the best. you're beautiful.-Courtne Gamble

  15. Wow! I am with others, the 2nd is my favorite. Gorgeous!

    I think like Xmas Dolly though, I am going to now go do some sort of physical activity...or maybe not! lol

    ~Naila Moon

  16. They are all beautiful shots...but #1 and #2 look better to me than #3.

    Thanks for hosting the link up :o)

    Laura O in Ak

  17. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the second one!!! it's perfect!!!

  18. I like the second one. Beautiful picture!

  19. java
    I love B/w photos but I think this time I am going with the middle one. Great work, it takes a beautiful model to make beautiful work.


  20. Oh I love them all! So beautiful!!!

  21. all of them are AWESOME! but i like the one in black and white, lol!

    care to visit MY ENTRY?

  22. I like # 2 as well ~ they are all good ~ the sepia tone rather fits the model better, I think ~ ^_^

  23. They all look great, but I vote for the middle photo, too! :) Deb @ RaisingFigureSkaters.com

  24. Hi! Everyone mostly is saying the middle one. At first I thought the middle, but the more I compare them all, the black and white is brighter and brings out your features more. It's statement is bolder, if you want bolder. If you want softer, I would go with the middle, which is Sepia. The 3rd - forget it. I think you should be 'wearing' the dress with your arm still on your hip. It would make a bolder statement and make people wonder 'what's under there 'instead of showing it'. But, it depends on 'what' the photo is for . . . ? You are SO beautiful, to 'wonder what's under there', with your arm still on the hip and the highlighted area still showing 'might' be sexier than actually 'showing' the hip.
    Yes, I wish I could look like you! I have a movement disorder- neuro disease and can't work out anymore. Bummer! It's hard when you have this because I 'was' super skinny! Not being able to move around barely at all is hard, and you 'really' have to watch the calories! All of your photos are gorgeous! Keep it up!


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!