Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Wordless Wednesday!!

Welcome to the 23rd Edition of Wordless Wednesday!

Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed!

Never Growing Old
Tall's Senior Pictures!!

Time to link up and meet!!

If you would like to add the linky to your own post, use the code below to copy and paste into your blog:


  1. Glad you're back. I hope you had a wonderful Easter!

  2. What a handsome young man!

    Happy WW, Java!

  3. I've linked up an oldie, but a goodie (an old silly photo of my son, who is now 20 -- I believe he was about 9 in the photo that I linked)

    Great photos of your senior! Such a handsome boy - I mean, man! If' he's 18 already, I can say man, technically, right? But if he's 17...well, then he's still your little boy. Oh what am I talking about...they are always our little boys, right? No matter the age.

    Thanks for hosting the Wordless Wednesday hop :)

  4. Well, the only thing I can say is I can't wait until you take pictures of Tall's Prom. What a very handsome couple they're going to be. Are you excited? I know you are. Anyway, so glad you're doing WW at least WW has a home again. ~hehe~ Have a great day!

  5. You have a really handsome dude. Happy WW

  6. What a handsome man.. Hope you're having a great week!

  7. What great pictures of a handsome young man!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  8. What a handsome guy. The pictures are great. I'm glad that you used those for your W.W.

  9. What a great photo he is one nice looking young man. Hugs!

  10. Great photo! Thanks for hosting. Linking up and hope you will link up on my linky too. I grabbed your hop button too.Happy Wednesday! :)

  11. Well, I surely know where he gets his looks. He's a very handsome young man, and I know you're very proud of him. Thank you for hosting. This is my second week. I'm kind of liking this blog hopping.

  12. Wonderful photos of Tall! :) Missed you last week but glad you can take a breather???
    Peace my friend...Naila Moon

  13. Hi sweet friend!

    I haven't been by lately...life has been crazy busy and there's no end in sight since I'll be gone for a long weekend and then my grandchildren (Eric's) will be here next week. Life is good though so I'm not complaining!

    I've enjoyed catching up with you tonight and reading your posts I've missed.


  14. hmmm.. good looking kid you got there.. mines's HERE by the way..

  15. Love the senior photos! It sounds like you've all been busy lately. Wishing the best to your entire family! Deb @ RaisingFigureSkaters.com

  16. This is a fabulous photo shoot! He's a handsome young man!

    I am now following you everywhere that I see possible here!

    Like that? Maybe you'll link up with my new Super STALKER Sunday and you can do the same with others and vice versa? I can't wait! I think this Blog Hop will be HUGE!

    I also should mention that I have a FANTASTIC Blog Hop Directory that has at least a dozen blogs listed for every day of the week. No kidding! Come and check it out! : )

  17. Wanted to let you know I added your Wordless Wednesdays button to my library and looking forward to joining next week. Tamara @ God's Perfect Promises


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!