Sunday, February 20, 2011

Never Say Goodbye...

Say "see you later" instead.  That is the motto I am going to live by.  I am very passionate about my blog and even more so in all the friends that I have made.  I always wanted this blog to be about enjoying it and I do but it has gotten to the point that I feel like I can no longer maintain it to what I would like it to be.  I am finding trouble keeping it updated, all the blog hops, emails etc.  If I was a stay at home Mom or working part-time then it wouldn't be a problem but working full-time and having a large family AND finding time to blog just isn't feasible anymore.  In my last job I could get on the internet at work and do some updates, correct the linky's etc. but the job I am working now does not have internet and so when I get home I don't have enough hours in the evening to do the things needed at home and find time to blog as well.

So it is with a heavy heart that I am writing this and telling you that I will be taking a break for awhile.  I feel like I'm neglecting my family and life is too short to be missing out on all the little things.  I will still be checking in and reading your blogs as well as posting updates about me and the family every now and then.

I hope that you can understand.  Hugs to you all and please don't forget about me as I am still here and hopefully things will change down the road and I can get back to blogging on a daily basis!!


  1. I do understand and your family should come before blogging. Enjoy your 'real' life!

  2. Makes TOTAL sense. I haven't said anything previously but congrats on the new job- sounds awesome! Enjoy your reclaimed time with your family and the new adventure at work!

  3. I totally understand Java!! Your family has to come first and what good is a blog if you have no "real" life to share and enjoy. We'll miss you for sure but you need to do what's best for you and your life. Enjoy your time away from blogging.

  4. I completely understand. I hope the new job goes well and please keep us updated when you have a chance. You will be missed!

  5. You certainly need to put your family first...before the blogging world!!! You will be missed....I check every Sunday night to see what questions you come up with for Meet Me On Monday!!! Your blogging friends love you!!!

  6. We will all miss your blog hops and help Java, but I totally understand. Blogging is great fun but can take up huge amounts of time.
    Take care
    Helen xxx

  7. Smart choice. You will be missed!

  8. "See you later, Java!" Will miss Mondays with you and the hops, but family should come first. We'll be here whenever you check in. Enjoy your family time and new job!

  9. WE will miss the Hops but Family has to come First! You are entering a new phase of your life with the new job, one son married and two at home.The boys and Joe need you! Hopefully, we will "see you later".

  10. Oh! I will definitely miss you! Especially the Meet Me on Monday!
    Take care of yourself and your family...y'all do come first!

  11. I've got you in my reader so I will see ya when I see ya!

  12. I, too, will miss you, but I completely understand. Best wishes!

  13. Java, I totally understad, when it comes down to it, you have to have family as number one priority. Take your time, and when you can rejoin us, we will celebrate with a party. My best to you

  14. Oh Java, I totally understand and do hope to see you later.
    I will certainly miss Follow Friday.
    You take care.
    ~Naila Moon

  15. OMG I feel like I just met you. I'm sorry you'll be leaving but as a mother of 3 I know what it's like to try to cram in writing with the rest of your life. Sometimes it feels impossible. Know you have tons of support for when you come back and just a sidebar: there are days when I wish I could do what you're doing! Enjoy your family time.

  16. real life always comes first - will miss visiting you on Mondays ;) Hope to see you around again :)

  17. I understand, I am also thinking about slowing down on my blogging. In the meantime, "Don't Sweat The Small Things" Life is meant to be enjoyed and not stressed out. Have a nice break and will watch for any updates in the futures.

  18. I understand. Even though I don't work and have no children still at home, I have trouble sometimes keeping up my blog and especially having time to visit all my blog friends. You are smart to put your family first. Do what you need to do. Come back when you can. You will be missed.


  19. I totally understand your decision and wish you and all your family the very best!! I hope you thrive at your new job and look forward to seeing updates on how everyone is doing! I wish you nothing but the very best. :)

  20. You will definitely be missed! But you have to have your priorities in order--and it sounds like you do. Good luck to you and hope to "see" you again.

  21. We will all miss you as you can see. I know I will. You know what is right for you and your family and we all have to do what we know in our hearts to be right. We will all be here for you. You have been the best hostess.


    Carol-the gardener

  22. Totally understand, just do what's best for you.

  23. we will miss all the hops and of course miss you but, man I so agree with everyone... Family comes first!!! we are all here for you sweetheart!

  24. Until we meet again, good luck. We hope to see you stop by every now and then!

  25. of course we understand. Maybe you just need some adjustment time with the new job. Good luck and see you soon.

  26. Obviously you will be missed. However, you have to prioritize and FAMILY has to come first. Blog when you can. At least you will have so much going on, it will definitely be very interesting when you do blog. That is is huge plus!

  27. With everything you have going on, something had to give. I can totally understand why you would need to make this decision. I couldn't imagine having kids, starting a new job and doing a blog. Yikes! You go girl! Do what is best for you and yous. We will all be looking forward to hearing from you again.

  28. I have really enjoyed getting to know you. Thanks so much for all of your encouragement and all you have done to help boost everyone's blogs and help others connect with the hops. It's been great making new friends. And thank you, too, for visiting and wishing me congratulations on my pregnancy. How awesome that you are putting family first. Not everyone does that. You'll never regret it. Looking forward to your updates. Take care.

  29. Thank you for a chance to express myself and to be challenged a bit. I shall miss your Monday's (though I've only done a few) and I will be watching for your return.

    Who knows? Maybe the Lottery is in your future.

    Take care & many blessings & thanks!

  30. Real life comes first!
    You have your new job and a family too.

    I am a stay at home mum but do find that I cannot always fit blogging into my days.

    I shall miss you, the memes and the updates.
    Thank you for the great community you have here.

    All the best


  31. JAVA! I only went out of town for a couple of days! You don't have to leave so fast! Noooo! :( :( I'm not ready to say goodbye! I need you!!!!! :( Maybe if you just cut it down to one hop a week? I"m so sad.... I will miss you so much. I"m so depressed. I'm in Vegas at a photography conference, missing my puppy, missing my kitties, and now I have to do without my Java too. (throws self on floor). :(

  32. Oh Java, I so understand.... Your blog needs to be fun, not another job.... You are very smart (and realistic) to put the important things first. Sometimes that is very hard to do.....I will miss all your hops...well for now that is, because who knows what the future will bring. Just a thought, there were so many people that loved and participated with your hops. If you want to take a break, I am sure others could pitch in and host to keep alive until you are ready to return. I know I would be willing to.....

  33. Totally understand! Your family comes first! Will keep in touch with you when times permits for you! All the best!

  34. It's totally understandable, Java. There are just not enough hours in a day and family should always come first. Take care!

  35. Life and family comes first! This is a hobby of sorts. We'll all be here. Don't be gone too long!
    Hope the new job is working out! Take care, see ya later!!

  36. Aww, that's sad but I totally understand. I will miss your blog a lot! Hopefully someone will take over the reigns on Meet Me On Monday. :)

  37. Java, like the rest I understand. But I have a suggestion. I do stay home and I know I could take on a task for you. Such as a hop. Or if you need a hand just updating the links, I would help there. Just a thought-and I would be honored to help anyway I can. I am sure any of your friends would. This blogging is a whole lot of work. More than I realized.

  38. We will miss you and look forward to your return!

  39. I just found your blog and now you are gone....I hope there is a way that we can all was great finding others my age:)

    The best of luck to you!!

    Stop by and say Hello:)
    Enter my FAB ModCloth Giveaway!!♥

  40. S O B I am new to finding you...but so enjoyed. Your right...gotta have family first. We will be here when you pop back in for a visit. In the meantime have a cuppa coffee and go sit on the porch while the kiddos play.

  41. Thank you for a chance to express myself and to be challenged a bit.
    I will definitely miss you! Especially the Meet Me on Monday!
    Take care of yourself and your family!

  42. Likewise, Java - the blogosphere isn't going anywhere. We all have real lives that we don't have to live out on these pages, however much we like to come here for a giggle, hug, to express ourselves, share. Enjoy your time with your family, as time the one thing of which we don't get more.

  43. Sure, I understand about "life happens." lol.

    But... but.... what about Meet Me on Monday? :( :( Did you find anyone to take it over? This is so sudden!!!

    I can take it over, if no one else wants to. I hope I could do it adequately. I don't know HOW I'd come up with questions.... I don't know anything about Mr. Linky, though.

    What do you think???


  44. If either Laurie or Rebecca or anybody else does carry on the hop...
    firstly - THANK YOU!
    secondly - please let me know!

  45. I would love to host Meet Me on Monday!

  46. Oh, how I will miss you. I think it is important to enjoy those little things with your family and friends. Kids grow too fast and you just don't get that time back. Take good care of yourself and of course, "I will see you later."

  47. If you still want to keep the Monday Linky going (this appears to be the most popular) I would be happy to share the hosting (I have paid my $24) so I could do this with anyone else out there in blog land who would be willing to take some of the strain. You know where to find me if you would like some help!
    Helen xxx

  48. Take all the time you need, Java!

    Family always has to come first!

    I will miss you - but I like it better that way.


    Frl. Irene

  49. I was a new follower and have so enjoyed reading your blog. I wish you well, and will look forward to your updates from time to time. Thanks for sharing your life,and family with us.
    I understand where you are coming from.
    God Bless,

  50. family first always i will be here as you run through every now and then be sure to wave as you go by. hugs

  51. Post when you can and read when you can but above all enjoy your family!!

  52. everyone soooo respects your decision but we all want you to know that you will be missed!
    I know how hard it is to maintain a blog (and mine is NOWHERE as good or as involved as yours is and I am NOT working!!!) It takes so many hours that I have no clue how those with families and jobs are able to handle it.
    Rest assured we will all be looking forward to your posts (whenever they may be) and I can tell just by how you wrote the above that you won't be able to stay away for long!

  53. Totally understand and am amazed you have done all you do with a sane mind so far! Will miss you and look forward to some periodic updates Honey!!

  54. Hi Java, of course we understand.
    As you can see, I'm not around that much either, I too have difficulty juggling everything cos of working full-time.
    That's one of the things I love about blogland, people are very kind and DO understand.
    So...just post when you can, and we'll be here to read! (((hugs)))

  55. (((((((Java))))) from one blogger to another I completely understand. Family is way more important, and they are only here once. We all get busy with our life and sometimes the net is the least on the ladder. Hope you stop by and say hi! Keeping you in my prayers.
    HUGS N Blessings

    PS Is there anyway your bloggers could help with the (linkys and such?) I would be willing to help some if we could figure it out

  56. i admire you for the honesty and for putting your family above everything else! Till we meet again! "Hanggang sa susunod nating pagkikita!" Warmest Regards!


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!