For this weeks Meet Me On Monday, I'm going to have all the questions Christmas related and 15 questions instead of 5 since there will be no Meet Me On Monday next week (Christmas) or the week after that (New Years)!! I hope all of you are getting your shopping done, cookies baked, wrapping completed, etc. I am not done with any of the above! Guess I better soon as it is approaching fast! I will still be popping in and posting since I'm off work until January 3rd! Woohoo!!
For those of you who are joining for the first time....Welcome! I post the questions on Sunday evening to give you time to get your post ready. I try to make the questions simple and fun! Its amazing how much we all have in common and yet are very different from each other. Lets get started! Enjoy!!!
Welcome to the 62nd edition of "Meet Me On Monday!" Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?" I know them...but yet I
don't know them! I want to know who the person is behind all those words so I thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other!
Every Sunday
Never Growing Old will post five
get to know you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!
Java will add a linky so we can follow who participates and get to know them better!! Be sure to link the POST and not just your whole blog!!

1.Wrapping paper or gift bags?
2.Real or artificial tree?
3.When do you put your tree up?
4.When do you take your tree down?
5.Do you like eggnog?
6.Do you have a nativity scene?
7.Favorite Christmas Movie?
8.Favorite Christmas cookie?
9.Where will you eat Christmas dinner?
10.Angel, bow or star on top of your tree?
11.Most annoying thing about this time of the year?
12.Do you like Fruitcake?
13.What are you most excited about the holidays?
14.Do you open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning?
15.Will you still be wrapping presents on Christmas Eve?
My Answers!
1.Wrapping paper or gift bags? Depends on what I am wrapping...I use both.
2.Real or artificial tree? Artificial
3.When do you put your tree up? It is already up...since the week of Thanksgiving.
4.When do you take your tree down? The day after Christmas! I like when everything is put away!
5.Do you like eggnog? Nope!
6.Do you have a nativity scene? I do but I don't have it out this year.
7.Favorite Christmas Movie? National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.
8.Favorite Christmas cookie? Sand tarts! (recipe below)
9.Where will you eat Christmas dinner? Next door at my parents house.
10.Angel, bow or star on top of your tree? We have a giant red bow!
11.Most annoying thing about this time of the year? How everyone is in a big hurry and are rude!
12.Do you like Fruitcake? No!
13.What are you most excited about the holidays? For Venti to come home! He's been in California since October.
14.Do you open presents Christmas Eve or Christmas Morning? We exchange some on Christmas Eve but most of them are on Christmas morning.
15.Will you still be wrapping presents on Christmas Eve? I sure will be!
Sand Tarts!
These are a thin, crunchy cut out shortbread cookie. They are Pennsylvania Dutch and my Grandmother made these. I would sneak and eat them right out of the freezer because I loved them so much! Here is the recipe. Enjoy!!
1/2 butter (softened...not margarine!)
1 cup sugar
2 egg yolks (save the egg whites for later)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 1/2 cup floor
Mix all the ingredients...use well floured surface...knead in more flour if needed. Roll our dough with rolling pin...the thinner the better! Cut into decorated shapes using cookie cutters. Brush with the saved egg whites and decorate with colored sugar or cinnamon sugar. Bake on 325 degrees on cookie sheets (lightly greased) until lightly browned. If they are really thin, they will cook quickly!
Time to link up and meet!!
PLEASE either put the Meet Me On Monday button in your post or link your post back to me. I have found several people just posting the questions and answers in their post and no one knows that they actually belong to a meme and linky!
Your link MUST include your Meet Me On Monday post or it will be deleted! You cannot link up until your post is complete and posted!
I have had SEVERAL people link their whole blog and not just the post and it takes a lot of time to go in and correct these so PLEASE link your Meet Me On Monday post! You know who you are!!