Tuesday, September 21, 2010

New Feature Tomorrow!!!

Everyone Wednesday I will be putting  Linky on for Wordless Wednesday!  I know a lot of you have been posting your awesome images, photographs, cartoons, etc., and this would be a great way for all of us to enjoy each others!!

So start looking for your favorite image for tomorrow and everyone can link up!!


  1. Sounds great!
    I gave your blog an award.

  2. Awesome idea Java! I have my post all ready to go!!!~ Mitzi
    Oh yeah, I moved back to Blogger, new look, new name....same stuff...Check it out when you get a chance.


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!