Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Tuesday Tips. Cancer Awareness.

I wanted to post a little something different today because I wanted to bring awareness to something that I had never heard of before until I was reading a post on a friend of mine's blog about a cancer that her Mom is dying from.
A cancer that I didn't even know existed.
A cancer that needs more awareness.
The more people that can spread the word means the more people that will know about it.....and the less people will die from it.

My friend is Michelle and her blog is Faith, Trust and a Little Pixie Dust.  Her mom is dying from Inflammatory Breast Cancer.  Never heard of it before?  Me neither and after I read about it I knew I wanted to tell everyone I know about it.

Please view the video below and tell every female you know.  You just might save someone's life!


  1. OMG, I have never heard of this either.. I'm gonna put this video on my other site.. thanks

  2. Thanks Java...I have never heard of this and my passion is breast cancer and helping to spread the preventative message. My wife is a survivor so I know first hand the effects of breast cancer. Thanks again for posting this

  3. Thanks for posting. I now know about IBC and can help spread this information to my friends and family. :)

  4. The only reason I know about it is because a lady I went to school with died from it...very painful death. Thanks for letting your readers know about this terrible disease!

  5. Wow! I can't believe the word hasn't been spread about this. Thank you for the information. I'd never heard of it, either.

  6. Great post Java. I knew about it because of a blog I used to read. She was only 34 with two very small children.

    As a breast cancer survivor myself, I know how important it is to keep everyone informed. Thank you.


  7. I have heard of this, and men get it too. It is scary.

  8. Java, I can't thank you enough for sharing this information with us. I may post this on my sites as well.

    www.sewingwithtrudy.blogspot.com &

  9. Thank you for sharing this information. I also had never heard of this before. I will pass this info along to other women.

  10. Dear Blog Friend, Thanks so much for sharing our story on your blog AND for raising awareness about this terrible cancer. It will be great to get the word out & possibly save some lives! You rock!

    Warmly, Michelle

  11. Great post - IBC is a beast and has taken more than one of my friends. But please remember (especially all of us over age 35) that all breast cancer patients have the best opportunty to survive if detected early. Monthly self breat exams are vital.

    You are eligible to have a baseline Mammo at 35 and annual at 40. GET YOUR MAMMIES GRAMMIED!

    Don't be too busy to be diagnosed - I was....


  12. Thanks so much for posting this. Coming up in October, breast cancer awareness month, I'm doing a raffle on my blog and all the money raised will be going to the Susan G. Komen foundation for the cure against breast cancer.

  13. wow, so many cancers arising that never used to exist-I think it is the horrible food we are forced to buy from the supermarkets-its disgusting-they say that girls are maturing at the age of 6-7 (ie-getting periods) and the average life expectancy for the current generation is twenty years younger then our own generation- I am telling you it is the food-eat local-fresh-organic-free range foods-whole foods

  14. It's sad to say I lost a SIL to this cancer. Thank you for makin' many aware of it's existence.

    God bless ya and have a terrific day sweetie!!!

  15. I have actually heard of this one already. Thanks for getting more awareness out.

  16. Thank you, this is new to me. I agree we all need to help to get the word out.


  17. Thanks for the awareness! I didn't know about IBC. I am sharing your post.


  18. Good stuff to know. I will be watchful. I am already almost 2 years late on my last mammogram so I better get with it.
    very sad and frightening actually

  19. Thank you so much for posting this. I'm very excited to discover your blog, and I just added the "bloggers over 40" badge. Thanks again!

  20. I had heard of Inflamatory breast cancer before, I think I read about it in a women's magazine a few years ago. It's been long enough I don't remember much, but, thanks for the post Java... I'm trying to hang in here, and thank you for the distraction. :/

  21. No I never heard of it. What a shame. Another thing to make sure we don't get.Wow that video is scary.Why the heck don'y the news stations get a hold of this?

  22. thanks for sharing. like many others never heard of this cancer. it's terrible. thanks. rose

  23. I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's mom. That's a difficult thing to go through.

    Yes, I had actually heard of IBC. My mother died of breast cancer, and I've had breast cancer myself.

    Also a new follower from the Friday blog hop. Hope you can stop by sometime:


  24. Please link this into my Awareness Wednesday Hop!!! Good stuff!!


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