Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Love Note....

I wake up this morning to this:  (click on the image twice to enlarge it)

This was from Grande....

Written on a Jimmy Muffet Margaritaville note pad....

Can you see the humor in being a Mom to 4 boys....

Welcome to the fun house!


  1. I am sure there is never a dull moment in your house!
    Like the note paper!!

  2. Have fun straightening that out. Yikes!

  3. LOL, when and how did he get the note pad??? and why was his credit card out??? HE really didn't type in the numbers, right?

  4. bwahahahaaa...... mercy!
    Good Luck:)

  5. Two thoughts:
    1) Did he sign up for porn?
    2) Where did he get the pad? I like it!

  6. I'm impressed that he wanted you to wake him once you were up. Must be that he loves his mama.

  7. I'm LOL'ing all over the place! Maybe he spent some time in Margaritaville prior to that transaction?? Good luck getting that straightened out.

  8. Lol! I would like to know how the issue got solved!

  9. Ha ha. I was just signing up for football...when these hot chicks who dig football players came on line and attacked me. One son here and he was watching porno when the internet was new...never realizing that "history" button existed!

    More Later,


  10. Way too funny! And by the way, I can't believe you have 4 boys!! I have an 11 yr old step son only who is only with us half of the time and I look like I am 85 years old and you look barely out of your 20's!! Wanna switch? lol ha ha
    Take care and have a great week!


  11. Just wanted to say hi. I just found your blog. You have a great blog. I am 45 as well. I think it's so neat that you are modeling and doing ballet. I would love to be doing both of those things.

    I will be signing up as a follower and adding your blog to my blog roll. I will try to participate in your linkups when I can. Thanks for all you do to bring us over 40s together and for sharing your beauty tips.

  12. Never a dull moment, Java. You got it going on even when you're sleeping!!!

  13. Oh my goodness - waking up every day must be such the adventure! I hope you managed to excavate him from this little scam.

  14. Hi Java, I already put the badge on the right hand side of my site

  15. Laughing my butt off! I have three boys and I can't wait for this stuff! Love the note paper on which the note was written! ya, I totally see the humour in it. My boys are listening to me laugh as I type this, and are like, "Read us the blog!" ...ummm...nope!

  16. How adorable that he let you know right away. It reminded me of some of my old notes. I should blog about them sometime!

    Warmly, Michelle

  17. LOL, I used to get the most hysterical notes from my boys too!

  18. What a nice guy. Hope you got everything straigten out.

  19. ROTFLMAO! I see the future and it scares me. :)

  20. Bless His Heart. My younger son tried to find Dick's Sporting Goods... ummmm that was not pretty. He was MORTIFIED!!! And really who names a store that anyway??!

  21. You just keep me in stitches. What a difference in our lives.....your 4 boys.....and all my girls.

  22. oh, I believe him, before we installed all our porn guards and filters, our poor son googled peeps, the marshmallow chicks, and got peep shows! Thank goodness I was sitting right next to him when he did it so I saw it all take place!

  23. what can you do, but just love them. good luck. Rose

  24. yikes!!! love the notepad!!! guess that will be fun figuring that one out, LOL Have a great weekend!!

  25. LOL!! Your adventures entertain us well. ;D


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