Saturday, August 21, 2010

Shower Time!

I'm heading off to Mocha's Bridal Shower!!

The salad is made...

The presents are wrapped...

The camera is charged...

I'm ready to go...

Wish me luck that I made enough salad for 78 people!


  1. Good thing the day is not at all about you. As the groom's mom, you can sit back and relax, help where needed, and get to know some folks.

    Sounds like a nice Saturday!

  2. Bahh ya don't need luck. Have FUN!

  3. Good luck. Wow you did get the salad for that many people.

  4. I can't believe it's close enough to the wedding to do the shower-thingey. Wow! Let me know how it is from the MOG perspective.
    I forgot about getting to my Friday blog hop. Stuff going on, you know. Oh, yeah. You know.
    Looking forward to shower pictures.

  5. Wow! You are amazing - salad for 78 people! Hope you have a fabulous time.


  6. Good luck with it. Have a great time. I don't know about your salad, but your blog is plenty to go around.

    Thanks so much for yesterday. I found my first blog hop well worth while. It will be a while until I take part in another cause your salad seems more likely to feed the 78 than my blog is equipped to handle the 50 percent boost to my followers and still be satisfying.

  7. Just have fun.....good friends, family and food....what more can I say? :)

  8. Enjoy the day!!! . can't wait to read about it...HHL

  9. Can't wait to hear about it and see your pics!

  10. Can't wait to hear the details!

  11. Please posts pics of that salad! 78 people means a lot of salad, how many bowls did you have to use?

  12. Hope you had a great time. Your salad sounds so delicious!

    Warmly, Michelle

  13. WOW salad for 78 people, thats amazing..hope you had a great time and looking forward to the shower pics..someday this is gonna be me since I have 2 sons...

  14. Salad for 78? That's a LOT of lettuce, lol!
    Hope you had a great time!


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!