Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A 50th Birthday and a great present idea!!

My brother-in-laws 50th birthday party was on Saturday and I thought I would share with you some of the pictures. It was held at my parents house and Venti and Mocha were home for the weekend so they were able to attend! I also made my gift and wanted to show you how you can make one yourself in case you have anyone turning 50 soon!

He acted surprise, but then he said he knew about it!

Lots of yummy food!!

Joe and I


Venti and Mocha

My Mom and I

My younger sister and I

The birthday boy

Venti and my Dad

This was our present

A "50 Sucks" Basket!!

How I made it:

  • The black bucket was $1 at the Dollar Store.
  • A bag of Basket Shred...$1 from the Dollar Store.
  • I purchased a styrofoam block from the craft store for $3.
  • 50 lollipops....I used 3 different brands.
  • Floral stakes.
    • Lottery tickets.
    • 2 - $5 bills.
    • 2 - $5 gift cards.
    Put the styrofoam block in the bucket....depending upon what size bucket you use will determine what size styrofoam you need....you may need to get two and cut the one to wedge it down the sides so the large block doesn't move.

    Push the 50 lollipops into the styrofoam....they should fill the whole bottom.

    Put the lottery tickets, money and gift cards on the floral stakes and arrange any way you desire.

    Put the basket shred around the base to fill in any gaps.

    I also printed a "50 Sucks" balloon logo off the internet and glued it on the front.

    You end up with an awesome looking gift!  I got MANY compliments!  In fact, people wanted to know where I got it from!!  I'm sure you figured it out, but if not, the "50 Sucks" is where the 50 lollipops comes in play!!

    Isn't is cute??  You could do this also for 40th, 60th, etc....use your imagination!


    1. I really like your gift to him. So clever!

    2. Great idea that I'll be utilizing soon!
      Love your blog! :)

    3. That is a great idea for a present! I will keep that one in mind!

    4. Thats an awesome basket! Hey my bday is coming up does it work for 43? lol!

      Your family has great genes.. he sure doesn't look 50!

    5. Love this idea. I will have to try this.
      Thanks for sharing.

    6. Cool idea! As it happens I am 50 this weekend, but keeping fairly quiet about it. Going to a very nice restaurant - look out for the pictures.

    7. Looks like a great party! Love the gift idea!

    8. That's a really cute gift. My stepdad turned 50 earlier this year, & I found lollipops that said "50 sucks" on the wrapper. We had those out on the table with lots of other goodies - & you wouldn't believe how all the grown-ups loved them! Everyone had a purple tongue that night.

    9. Love your pictures!! Great idea!! I'll be using that one!

    10. LOVE this gift idea! Gonna store it away for when Splenda hits the big 5-oh!

    11. Awesome! We celebrated my husband's 49th this weekend and I'm so glad I show this post, thanks for sharing. I have already started thinking and planning the Big 50 next year! Great idea.

    12. Looks like a lot of fun!!!
      Hey, can I hire you to prepare a birthday party for when I turn 60...NEXT YEAR HOLY FRIGGIN CRAP.

    13. It looks like a great time!

      Hugs & love,

    14. That is such a great idea and I will try to keep it in the aging brain of mine!
      @ Wendy, i am turning 60 next year too, lets both hire Java, what a party that would be!!

    15. Clever..very clever.

      Carol-the gardener

    16. Great gift idea! Glad you cottoned onto the fact that FIFTY SUCKS cause you make FORTY seem like paradise!

      Did he win any of the lottery tickets?

    17. Keeping this in mind!! Looks like a great time!! I love planning parties like that! Thanks for sharing!

    18. What a GREAT idea! And it turned out looking fantastic! Very creative!

    19. cool party i am so making that basket my hubby would love it what a cute christmas gift!!!

    20. Your brother-in-law looks super yummy especially for being 50. Love your blog. Just discovered it today through Diane's blog.

    21. This is a great idea thanks for sharing and don't you look like your mum!

    22. What a fun idea! I love something different. Thanks for sharing!


    I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!