Sunday, November 21, 2010

Meet Me on Monday!!

Welcome to the 23rd edition of 
"Meet Me On Monday!"

Blogging is a funny thing...we tell our most intimate thoughts for all to read and yet most of the time I find myself sitting and wondering, "who is this person!?"  I know them...but yet I don't know them!  I want to know who the person is behind all those words so I thought of a great way for all of us to "meet" each other!

Every Sunday I will post five get to know you questions that you can copy and paste into your own Monday post and we can all learn a little more about each and every one of us!!

"Its a great way to to meet new friends and for others to get to know me Monday at a time!!!" quoted by the Chacogirl!! I will make this SIMPLE and FUN!!!

I will add a linky so we can follow who participates and get to know them better!!  Be sure to link the POST and not just your whole blog!


1.  How many pillows do you sleep with?
2.  Where will you eat on Thanksgiving?
3.  Would you rather go to a party or host a party?
4.  How many purses (for the guys..wallets) do you own?
5.  What is your favorite kind of seafood?

My Answers!

1.  How many pillows do you sleep with?
      One!  I have one of those egg crate pillows that I can't sleep without!  I take it whenever I am sleeping somewhere else!

2.  Where will you eat on Thanksgiving?

      My parents house right next door!!!  We always go there.  I will be making my Baked Corn dish and I will share the recipe with you!  I will post that on Tuesday in case you want to make it too!   My in-laws will also be eating there as well as both my sisters and their families....20 people total!

3.  Would you rather go to a party or host a party? 

     Definitely go to a party!  It seems like whenever we have a party at our house, no one ever wants to leave!  My sister is the biggest culprit.  She seriously does not know when to leave.  She would stay all night if she had her own way.  Do you have anyone that does that when they come to your house?

 4.  How many purses do you have?

      I am not a purseaholic!  I have probably 10-15 but only use a handful.  I get one that I like and use it for awhile and then its hard to find one that I like as much as the last one I used so I don't change my purse very often.

5.  What is your favorite kind of seafood?

     Shrimp!  I love shrimp cooked just about any way!  Steamed, fried, broiled!  Yum!!

Time to link up and meet!!

This is a blog hop so if you want to put the linky on your post just click the "Get the Code" at the bottom of the linky.

Your link MUST include your Meet Me On Monday post or it will be deleted!

Also PLEASE either put the Meet Me On Monday button in your post or link your post back to me.  I have found several people just posting the questions and answers in their post and no one knows that they actually belong to a meme and linky! 


  1. We have you beat by 1 for Thanksgiving! :D
    Shrimp is my fav, too.

  2. Loved reading your answers. That's a really short walk for Thanksgiving. Have a great one!

  3. Thnaks for doing these! I am really enjoying it!

  4. I'm not stirring from my house this Thanksgiving...parents are coming here this year!

  5. your choice of a pillow is different. uncertain how that helps with sleep. don't go to far for thanksgiving dinner with family. just kidding. rose

  6. I really enjoy your Hops! Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!


  7. we'll only have 6 for dinner, but that includes 2 grandchildren I haven't seen since March--so I am more than excited!

  8. Thanks for another set of great questions.

  9. You sound like me! I have about 15 purses or so, but only use one of them :)

    First time reader, now following, thanks for the fun blog hop!!

  10. hi, happy monday!

    I love shrimps too...

  11. Happy Monday and wow, you do have far to walk. lol
    Come visit.
    ~Naila Moon

  12. Who doesn't like shrimp. Yummy. Have a great day!!

  13. I DO have someone like your sister... My BROTHER and his family!! It doesn't matter the occasion... They can just drop in and WILL * NOT * LEAVE!! We pretty much have to say we have to be somewhere at a certain time and LEAVE to get them to GO!! They do NOT GET HINTS!! GAH!!

    Have a GREAT Thanksgiving, Java!! ;D

  14. How nice to have your mom next door to you. :) Please do post your corn dish. I love new recipes. :) I used to have to deal with party guests that wouldn't leave, but that was more a problem in my 20s and early 30s. I haven't hosted a party at all in my 40s. :)

    Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Java. :)

  15. hi there!!joined this meme,hope u can check it out!!take care and have a great day!!

  16. Morning Java,
    Have a good day

  17. yay! another philly blogger! new follower here =)

  18. First time I'm checking out your meme. It's really interesting.. joined you for this week.
    Happy MOnday.

  19. Java, please let me know if I need to do something more when I post your hop! And, maybe some directions if I do need to add anything--LOL

  20. Now I love your hop but I can't really participate see linguistically I'm struggling being a daft old Brit from Blighty.....a purse is what I keep my money in and I keep my purse in a handbag.....see my problem here. Also we don't have big time. So either I change my nationality...which would suit me anyway and move to the States...which would also suit me or I confess I can't answer the questions. I have one pillow though! I'll still enjoy hopping so thanks for hosting. Toodle pip!

  21. Hi Java!

    I have questions and link on both of my blogs!

    Have a great Monday. :-)


  22. I love your idea and am going to copy you...if you don't mind...but with a few of my own questions...helps introduce our new followers to us! Thanks and have a great Monday...
    oh and
    1. 1 to sleep with 3 to read with
    2. Our house with our 5 kids and 1 visitor
    3. Host, I am a control freak
    4. do diaper bags count? If they do then I am in the 30's or so...
    5. I really don't like seafood, I can't handle fishy smells...

  23. I need that pillow!

    I am a purse addict Im never happy with them im always switching!

  24. Hi there!

    I'm your newest follower and would love for you to stop by and follow me back!

    Be sure to enter my great giveaways while you're there! They would make the perfect gift or treat for yourself!

    Cheers from Being Frugal & Making It Work!

  25. Hello, Stopping in by way of Chele's blog ;-)

  26. I know someone who used to come to our house that was like that. Even if they came over for a quick something that should last 10 minutes, she would stay HOURS.

  27. Do you like the egg crate pillow? Is it alright with fibro? I've been looking for a new one, and never realized they made these.


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!