Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Wordless Wednesday!!

Welcome to the 22nd Edition of Wordless Wednesday!

Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed!

Never Growing Old

Joe and I getting our pedicures for our Anniversary!!

Time to link up and meet!!

If you would like to add the linky to your own post, use the code below to copy and paste into your blog:


  1. hi! congratulations on your anniversary! :)

    same here, from my end, I can't properly view your site. looks like photobucket is tweaking something out..

  2. I don't think I could ever talk my boyfriend into getting a pedicure.

  3. Great picture! That is one way to get a guy to go, give him a drink! I once convinced my husband to go with me, a friend and her husband (one of hubby's BFF's). My guy was really enjoying the pedi, until he realized how much his friend wasn't. I haven't gotten him to go back since.

  4. I see you are having the same photobucket issue I am.

  5. What a fun picture. I was starting to think I was the only one with Photo bucket issues. Sorry to see you are having the same issues.

  6. Hello again Java! First off...HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!! (a day late..sigh) anyway, I know it was wonderful.

    I have got to go get a pedi real soon! You look like you were having a great time.

    Peace...Naila Moon


    PS>Hope we can read the links and such soon!

  7. Hi Java! Happy Anniversary! I think there's something wrong because I can't clearly see your posts and links because of the background. Just dropping by and linking up. Happy Wednesday!

  8. Java
    Happy belated anniversary.

    Photobucket is whacked out it just shows only about 2x2 squares.

    Hope your week is great


  9. I think that is absolutely fantastic! I don't think my husband would have gone for a pedicure that is for sure.. I hope their was champagne in those cups!

  10. hmmm.. cool picture! it seems like you two had a good time. i wonder when i will have a nice pedicure myself, lol!

    mine is http://myneighbor.info/2011/04/wordless-wednesday-father-and-son/

  11. Thanks for hosting! Great picture.

  12. Happy Anniversary! How fun! :) Deb @ RaisingFigureSkaters.com

  13. My friend XmasDolly has told me about your meme to try and help me get more followers, and have some fun doing it. I'm your latest follower, and I'm very glad to meet you. Thank you for hosting such an interesting meme. Have a great weekend.

  14. Hey Java, we having a WW today?
    ~Naila Moon


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!