Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy 25th Wedding Anniversary!!

 Today 25 years ago I married Joe!  Hard to believe that many years have gone by.  We have had our ups and down like any other couple but in the end we are here and we are together.

I am working a half day today and then we are meeting for lunch and then we have a 1:45pm appointment to get pedicures together!  Joe has always complained about his feet and his callouses so I thought what a great surprise to make an appointment for both of us to get one together.  And what a great surprise it would have been if the salon wouldn't have called to remind me of the appointment right when we were driving in my car which just happens to have the hands free bluetooth and all the calls come through loud and clear through the radio.

Salon:  "Hi can I speak to Java?"

Me:  "Speaking"

Salon:  "This is TB Nail Salon calling to remind you of your appointment on Tuesday April 12th at 1:45pm for you and your husband for pedicures"

Me: "Ummmm yeah ok...thanks"

So she ruined the surprise! Oh well...he is excited about it so I will let you know how it goes!

After the pedicures we have reservations for dinner at our favorite restaurant and the home to relax and maybe some quite time...:)


  1. Congratulations!!! Wishing you many many more years of bliss!!! xo HHL

  2. Happy 25th Anniversary! Wishing you many more happy years to come!!

  3. CONGRATULATIONS! Here's to a happy, wonderful, romantic, lovely day! <3

  4. Happy anniversary! I am so sorry that your bluetooth ruined the surprise..

  5. Happy Anniversary! It's my third anniversary with my husband too.

  6. Happy Anniversary to you both!


  7. oh my goodness, 25 years!!!! That is so terrific! Have a wonderful day.

  8. Happy anniversary. I hope you have an amazing time together. You seem like such a great couple. By the way, you never let us know if you were pregnant. I'm assuming that you're not.

  9. Awww....Happy Anniversary!!!! Here's to another 125! Thanks for hosting WW!!!

  10. Ohhh Java, I am so sorry your surpise was messed up, but it sure looks like you had fun judging from today's post! Our 25th is this summer and when I reminded my hubby that 25 is like a magic number and we should do something speical he kind of looked at me with that deer in the headlights look and said, really? Its been that long already? Yup, that made me feel good and bad all at once. lol

  11. I tried to comment all day yesterday but I couldn't read anything---something about photobucket being worked on and that's all I could see. So, even though it's now a day late: Happy Anniversary!

  12. Congratulations!!! 25 more to you!!!! :)

  13. Sorry I'm late but Happy Anniversary!


I love, love, love comments!! Thank you for taking the time and for making my day!! I read every single one and if you ask a question please be sure that I will get back to you as soon as I can!